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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

55 points. Iowa.

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This disaster is either going to be a reality check eye opener or they face flop the rest of the season. Don't see much of inbetween.

The more I think about it, I think this was the season killer. If they had come out the 2nd half with something even somewhat resembling a fire, I would have said even with a loss, they could finish the season strong. After today, I have serious doubts.
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Here's the biggest difference I see from Tressel to UFM..

With tressel if we had a weak point we knew it and we could count on other areas to get us through.

With UFM it could be the special teams, it could be the offense or it could be the defense. You never know which part of team is going to shit the bed but at least one unit shits the bed every game.

With Tressel you knew the defense was going to fight their ass off every game and the sts would be solid as fuck. It all always came back to was the offense going to come to play
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Here's the biggest difference I see from Tressel to UFM..

With tressel if we had a weak point we knew it and we could count on other areas to get us through.

With UFM it could be the special teams, it could be the offense or it could be the defense. You never know which part of team is going to [Mark May] the bed but at least one unit [Mark May]s the bed every game.

With Tressel you knew the defense was going to fight their ass off every game and the sts would be solid as fuck. It all always came back to was the offense going to come to play
And Tressel's LB's actually played with some passion.
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All fame is fleeting ...

Sparty has a ***chance*** to win (3) B1G championships in five years.

The last 3 games should be very interesting! :nod:

And yes, Nick Saban is looking better and better all the time, if possible.

Oh the irony if this team ends up beating Wisky for the B1G title.

Yielding back the balance of my time.
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