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Wow, look for the 360 to sell a ton of consoles this summer if that price drop is in fact true.

Back on NCAA topic: Anyone picking their version up at midnight at the campus gamestop?
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Got it today... and am very impressed early on.

First thing I did was get online and download the rosters from pastapadre's locker (very easy to use). I then edited a few players (turned Antonio Henton into Curt Lukens at FB; boosted Pryor's speed to 90, and tweaked a few of Bauserman's ratings; moved Brewster from RT to C).

Then I went chose "play now" and went with Michigan at OSU, 5 minute quaters on varsity. First play was a pitch to Beanie on the right. He cleared the corner and steamed over the defender even though the guy made the tackle. It was about a 15 yard gain but the CB he ran over, Cissoko, had to leave the game for a few plays. Eventually kicked a FG. The CPU and I exchanged a few sessions via punts, and then I got the ball back with 40+ seconds in the half, from my own 20.

My first play was an incomplete pass. Then I went with a playaction pass. Robiskie went on a deep post pattern and I could tell he had a decent height advantage, plus position, on his defenders. So I threw it up to him and as the ball approached I switched to him and jumped for the ball. After snagging it and landing, I then stiff-armed one defender into the other and ran all the way for the score.

I'm about halfway through the 3rd quarter and have added another fieldgoal. So far I'm impressed with several new animations that I've seen. I have also seen a number of injuries, but they have been very minor, where the players return after a few plays. I think I've knocked Minor out of the game 2-3 times already. Also knocked Grady out for a few plays.

It's important to find the running lanes and go through them. I missed one once and got smacked for a 4 yard loss when I could have had at least an 8 yard gain. I really like the feel of the passing game. It's nice to have passing lanes where LBs don't jump 10 feet into the air and intercept the ball. I will try my next game at all-american level and see if it remains as solid.

One thing that caught my eye, Small and Lamar Thomas are the fastest Buckeyes, each with 95 SPD.

Edit: D'oh... I meant Ryan Lukens.
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mstevmac;1203471; said:
Do you drive south of Cleveland? I'm from the Canton area
PM sent. I'll simply let othes know it's available in NW and North Central Ohio locations.

With regards to passing on AA level, the first game of dynasty is against a generic FCS East time. They had an overall team ranking of 30 against my OVR rating of 99. It wasn't close to fair. I scored 100 points (they scored 0) while barely trying. Had 6 interceptions (2 returned for TDs), and could run easily. Couple that with huge kick and punt returns, it was hard to get my players decent stats.

The passing did seem to remain tight. The lanes are important to be aware of. I got a bit cocky with Boeckman and tried to drill one through a linebackers helmet to my receiver. Well, just because they no longer have 10 feet verticles doesn't mean that they're heads are no longer physical obstacles, lol. It didn't work and they got an easy interception.

All in all the graphics are wonderful and the game was a nice tune-up for the rest of the season. I also notice a nice difference between Boeckman and Pryor, with Todd easily being the better passer. It's nice to notice the difference, seemingly based on their AWR levels and such.
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BrutuStrength;1203508; said:
PM sent. I'll simply let othes know it's available in NW and North Central Ohio locations.

Yeah, I would have driven there but I figured with the cost of gas and my vehicle it would cost me $80 just to get it early :biggrin: For that I can wait a few days.

But the place is kinda "famous" amongst gamers.
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the actual gaming figures for the PS3 have only marginally improved, leaving them dramatically behind the 360 and the Wii

Ehhh I dont buy that. Gaming on the Wii is fairly generic and kiddy. Doesnt mean that it doesnt sell, cause families buy it like crazy, then get bored with it in about 2 weeks and never touch it again, or trade it in.

360 though, granted, you have a much much better variety. PS3 is catching up though. We have been sellin the crap out of them lately, especially since MGS4 launched.
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BrutusMaximus;1203630; said:
Ehhh I dont buy that. Gaming on the Wii is fairly generic and kiddy. Doesnt mean that it doesnt sell, cause families buy it like crazy, then get bored with it in about 2 weeks and never touch it again, or trade it in.

360 though, granted, you have a much much better variety. PS3 is catching up though. We have been sellin the crap out of them lately, especially since MGS4 launched.

From what I understand, WiiFit in particular has really kept Wii's online and humming lately. Titles like Boomblox don't hurt either.

I'm not worried about Sony in the slightest. The movie angle has been the saving grace of the PS3, and the game variety (as you say) will indeed improve. I do think they made a few mistakes. They overshot the technical end of the launch, imo, and as a result let MS get far too great a head start and came out of the gate at too high a price point. By the time games are making full use of the PS3's capability, we're going to be talking about next generation consoles again.

It's easy to look at this as a measurement between the 3 current consoles, but that's not really the issue. You have to factor in the overwhelming 'lead' Sony had with the PS2, and then you have a better perspective on just what's happened over the last few years in terms of the consumer shift. The really funny thing about all of this, is that the PS2 may have been SO good, that their own last-gen product managed to work against the next. They are probably not going to have that problem when we're talking about the PS4, and as they'll have been tried and tested on the online network front, I expect Sony to really hit another solid ball. The question is going to be how long they ride this generation, even as MS prepares for the next as we speak.

I think what pollutes this whole issue, of course, is the fan aspect. People take these things so personally, when it's really not personal at all. No one here seems to do that, but I see a ton of it on other sites, and it always perplexes me. But then I suppose some confused outsiders could say the same thing regarding our passion for a specific football team. :)

Like I said before, I'm happy to see 3 healthy consoles out there. Drives innovation. Where would we be without the Dreamcast, for example? What's going on now is really going to make for some exciting stuff in the next gen, and hell, we've got an amazing 3-headed generation sitting right in front of us. I have substantive complaints about all three, I'm still wowed by aspects of all three of them. Good time to enjoy pushing pixels around, ALMOST makes me wish I was still writing in the industry.

Now if we could just get the major software/game developers to stop being fat, lazy, complacent, arrogant bitches, we'd be in great shape. :biggrin:

This is a pretty OT branch now. I'll close by saying I'm more than a little jealous Strength already has 2009.
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