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mstevmac;1197602; said:
Cheese is something that someone does that isn't typical football style of play. For instance, putting a WR at QB just so they can run an option style Offense. Or going for it on 4th down everytime

Like my buddy using Jerry Rice at running back in Super Tecmo Bowl? Fucker.

Thanks for the clarification.
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Piney;1197689; said:
You can thank Arkansas and their Wildcat formation for that option.
Very true, but it sucks just the same. Perhaps you should implement a no RB cheesing against other humans. Since TP is more of a RB at QB at this point, perhaps he should be banned too :p
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Conan O'Brien;1197849; said:
Very true, but it sucks just the same. Perhaps you should implement a no RB cheesing against other humans. Since TP is more of a RB at QB at this point, perhaps he should be banned too :p

Yeah thats in the rules... I do know I will be using my runningbacks at qb in few situations just to spread the field out a bit and run but this will be like 1/50 plays.
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Conan O'Brien;1197849; said:
Very true, but it sucks just the same. Perhaps you should implement a no RB cheesing against other humans. Since TP is more of a RB at QB at this point, perhaps he should be banned too :p
I'll be using TP a lot in Year 1 of my offline dynasty as a runner... He will really be used like Tebow in mine.
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