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BrutusMaximus;1190940; said:
This is true, but a dvd may not, and they arent going to make 2 completely seperate versions of the game for 360 and PS3. If they did, you would see a much bigger difference on PS3.
I wish they would.. fucking 360 with their shitty DVDs

3074326;1189970; said:
So I've played this demo a few more times just to see if my first impression was just a fluke, and it wasn't.. I'm not impressed at all by the demo.
I drug my PS3 into the room with the HDTV last night - I was much, much happier.
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mstevmac;1191273; said:
I hate the running game in this demo. I can't run for shit. I have had no problems running the ball in years past until this year. What the heck
With Beanie? LSU's DL blows up the line on occasion, but get him off-tackle and he's pretty deadly.
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mstevmac;1191273; said:
I hate the running game in this demo. I can't run for shit. I have had no problems running the ball in years past until this year. What the heck

yea its sort of different this year

you have to actually wait until a hole opens....... you cant just run wherever you want like in previous years

and its also harder to bounce the run outside
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jwinslow;1191277; said:
With Beanie? LSU's DL blows up the line on occasion, but get him off-tackle and he's pretty deadly.

Yeah, I basically had no trouble running outside to the left. Up the middle it was a little more inconsistent, but still, I had something like 100 yards on about 5 carries, one of them was a TD in the redzone. Would've been a TD from anywhere on the field, just happened to be close.

What I didn't have any luck with was doing QB draws with Pryor. Seemed like one of LSU's DEs was right on him as soon as he got the ball.

I'm also used to the passing cone from Madden, it's weird not using that. But I didn't hold that against it. :p
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buckeyemania11;1191280; said:
yea its sort of different this year

you have to actually wait until a hole opens....... you cant just run wherever you want like in previous years

and its also harder to bounce the run outside

Yeah I know you have to wait for the hole to open up but I mean my god, by the time the hole opens up one of the DE's has shed the block and is right on me about 80% of the time I run the ball up the middle. I think my longest run is 10 yards. And running the ball outside just pisses me off. I have the whole sideline wideopen, and all the sudden a DE outruns Beanie and tackles him before I can get up field. I mean come on, let's be serious.

And I'm not a bad player. I played Heisman consistently in the past and could still run the ball.
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Yeah, I basically had no trouble running outside to the left. Up the middle it was a little more inconsistent, but still, I had something like 100 yards on about 5 carries, one of them was a TD in the redzone. Would've been a TD from anywhere on the field, just happened to be close.
I was rarely quite that prolific, but he got 5+ on most carries that weren't dead instantly.
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And running the ball outside just pisses me off. I have the whole sideline wideopen, and all the sudden a DE outruns Beanie and tackles him before I can get up field. I mean come on, let's be serious.

yea, they made the DEs a little bit too effective

I put Pryor in and DEs were running him down from behind when I would run with him...............
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ginn421;1191621; said:
How can you sub Pryor in the demo? Is there a way to use package personnel like in past games that I'm not seeing, or do I need to "accidentally" injure Boeckman? :wink2:
not for 360, it will be in the real game. I accidentally injured Boeckman by the 2nd qtr when I tried... but failed all game the next time. Hopefully Todd doesn't "miss" during warmups next fall and return the favor :lol:
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Well, I guess I figured out the run game. Or at least what better than what I was complaining about earlier. I mean I was running the ball every down except 3rd and long because I was getting so frustrated. Although I don't run the ball every down, I guess part of it is because about 95% of the time you throw the ball it's a completion so I guess it's just time to work on the run game and get it perfected for the online dynasty so I can beat all you bums :tongue2:
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jwinslow;1191627; said:
not for 360, it will be in the real game. I accidentally injured Boeckman by the 2nd qtr when I tried... but failed all game the next time. Hopefully Todd doesn't "miss" during warmups next fall and return the favor :lol:

I have a PS3, so it probably isn't on there either. Time to see how well #17 runs the option...

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mstevmac;1191299; said:
Yeah I know you have to wait for the hole to open up but I mean my god, by the time the hole opens up one of the DE's has shed the block and is right on me about 80% of the time I run the ball up the middle. I think my longest run is 10 yards. And running the ball outside just pisses me off. I have the whole sideline wideopen, and all the sudden a DE outruns Beanie and tackles him before I can get up field. I mean come on, let's be serious.

And I'm not a bad player. I played Heisman consistently in the past and could still run the ball.
Sounds like someone didn't factor in SEC speed...:wink2:
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