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I can't be sure without seeing other playbooks, but this one seems to feature a lot of OSU sets, dual backs with Beanie & Saine (at the pony position), Stoney lining up as a mismatch at TE.
I don't know about the XBOX version, but on the PS3 Demo I can use sub packages to get Pryor out there. Running the option with him is a dream

It took me awhile to get Boeckman injured, the second game I tried I never succeeded, he just dominated on the QB draws like Krenzel vs Miami.

The 'celebrate with the mascot' is pretty fruity, but I loved running back to my teammates and clicking to high five in the air.
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I just finished the download and started the game. I kicked first. Their first offensive play was a 74 yard TD pass. My first offensive play was a 74 yard run by Beanie.

Hopefully it doesn't keep up at this rate..

EDIT: 2 rushes, 85 yards, 2 TDs..
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Main problem that still plagues this game is diagonal pursuit and turning the corner. Awful pursuit angles and realism there allows way too many kick returns, or beanie to take a dumpoff pass, beat the outside man to the corner and then be home free since the rest of the defenders all made very horizontal pursuit angles.
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It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't development problem. If big plays were deliberately coded to be less frequent, a lot of fans of the football games would look elsewhere because it'd be boring to play.

Nobody throws down with their buds over some PlayStation, wanting to reenact the FSU/PSU 2006 Orange Bowl.
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It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't development problem. If big plays were deliberately coded to be less frequent, a lot of fans of the football games would look elsewhere because it'd be boring to play.
True, and I may be more of a Madden guy at heart... who just loves CFB and the dynasty of NCAA.

If Ray Small turns the corner too often as a speedy return man, I can live with that. But Beanie should not do it so consistently imo.

Hopefully adjusted difficulty and sliders help compensate some. Overall though, I am pleased with the direction their improvements are going..
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I'm not impressed.. pretty disappointed, actually. Passing is way too efficient, the pass rush is absolutely non-existent, and it still doesn't feel right to me. I understand that big plays are necessary, but the amount of big plays that I had (and the computer, actually) is a little ridiculous considering 1) the amount of time I had the ball, and 2) the fact that the quarters were 2 minutes long.
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mstevmac;1188535; said:
No you can't change packages, and the demo is 3 weeks prior to it's final code release for the game .
Yes you can change packages... with the right stick on the 360 at the playcall screen.

And yes, the demo was put out before the beta versions... and from what some of the people that have the beta have said, the beta blows the demo out of the water.
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Difference b/t the demo and the beta builds of the game...

Hmm how about everything this demo is bad compared to the builds we played at Tiburon. (but let me go into detail.)

1. The option is broken in the demo there are still late pitch's like crazy. Also in the demo you will notice that everyone plays the ball carrier when you run an option play. In the builds at Tiburon all the LB's had option assignments one guy had the QB, one guy had the FB, and the other LB played the RB. It was very evident that the option was fixed at Tiburon. However that's not the case in this demo at all.

2. Sean Bailey told me how to return a large number of kickoffs for a TD in the old builds on NCAA before they changed the kickoff coverage. In this build all you need to do is catch the ball stand still for a second or two and then sprint to the sidelines you should score a ton of kick offs for TD's that way.

The fixed it (sorta) in the builds we played at Tiburon. In the builds we played the 3 players on each side of the kickoff coverage unit would run 15 yards down field before they broke for the ball carrier they don't do this in the demo dead give away this build is old. The good thing was that kickoffs where harder to take back to the house the negative effect was that you would always have great field position around the 35-45 yard line every time.

I have some more but I think you get the point.
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Highlight of my experience with the demo was scoring a TD on a slant to Robo at the end of the half running the same play over and over in hurry up, then having the whole thing lock-up during a cutaway to Brutus before kicking the XP.

Had to hard reset my PS3.

Piece of shit.
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2. Sean Bailey told me how to return a large number of kickoffs for a TD in the old builds on NCAA before they changed the kickoff coverage. In this build all you need to do is catch the ball stand still for a second or two and then sprint to the sidelines you should score a ton of kick offs for TD's that way.
Didn't do it quite this blatantly, but would run up to the wedge, wait for defenders to collapse and engage with blockers, and then bounce it outside. Works like a dream.
Had to hard reset my PS3.
Epic lolz![/fanboy]
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