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Buckeye86;1188039; said:
how about for PS3, I looked for it in the store section and couldn't find it, but according to a little googling it should be out for PS3 as well

Everything I read is the demo for the PS3 will be out at midnight tonight when the PS3 store updates.

Sucks that I am going to Put-in-Bay tomorrow so I won't be able to play it.
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First Game: I won 3-0 on a late FG
Second Game: I won 35-18

I sold back NCAA08 about 3 months ago so I haven't played college football for a while. This game is more clean looking and I think it runs smoother than 08. I think this game is going to awesome especially with the online dynasty. And when you go to look at "New Features" at the menu, it says under online dynasty we'll be able to look at stats and stuff on EASportsWorld which is gonna be awesome.

Remember this isn't the game that is being released. The demo is 3 weeks prior to it's final code so I'm sure some of the things will be fixed. I am a little disappointed in the HIGH HIGH HIGH completion percentages. Pass rush doesn't seem to be that big of a problem. Probably my only gripe is the CPU pretty much snapping the ball right as soon as they get up to the line of scrimage (Unless they send a man in motion). I have also noticed a lot of injuries in this game too. The first one I had about 3-4 and the second game I had 2. Tone this down and we'll be good.

For those that are complaining about the crowd looking like crap (which I agree it doesn't look the greatest)...I have asked and talked to one of the producers of the game about this, and the reason why they don't upgrade the crowd is because it takes up A LOT a lot of the memory of the game and would thus make it run slower and some of the features would not be present.

While I was playing this I did like how if you have a big hit sometimes the guy stumbles when he is trying to get up. I like this a lot. But I would like to see teamates helping teamates get up etc....I think they could show more closeups of the players after the plays and such. For example I had a HUGE hit with Laurinaitis and the guy stumbled to get up. It would be cool if they did like a close up of Laurinaitis and showed his game stats or something like that. One last thing is that at halftime the players run to the sidelines. I hope next year or sooner they have the players run to the locker rooms, I think that would be a nice addition.
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I haven't played NCAA FB since the 07 release, so I was hoping it would be better than it was then.

I ended up winning 14-10, but I was having all kinds of problems on defense. I do not really like using the RT as speed burst, as I kept hitting A the whole time. But, it was a lot better than 07 so I might actually buy it this year.
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'09 definitely plays a LOT different then past years I feel, and I've played the EA NCAA Series since it was first called NCAA Football in '98. It just feels like you have more motion with the players and are able to move much more freely.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1188196; said:
I'm finding running the ball to be extremely annoying. It seems "jerky" and slow.
You have to be patient and wait for the wholes to open... then jam the sprint button and use the highlight stick.

Also, the opposing QB completes just about every pass.
Mix up coverages, press, show blitz, man align, etc. And don't forget to bring the pressure... blitz on every down thats not a 3rd and long.
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Sportsbuck28;1188293; said:
You have to be patient and wait for the wholes to open... then jam the sprint button and use the highlight stick.

Mix up coverages, press, show blitz, man align, etc. And don't forget to bring the pressure... blitz on every down thats not a 3rd and long.

Thanks for pointing out how much I suck at this game :p
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Only played a few games, but the gameplay seems considerably improved. Much better blocking/AI, and what seems like a much more diverse playbook.

Took back at least 4 kicks with OSU in the first two games. Ran 2 in a full circle back to the 40 to leave yards to try out Pryor.
I have also noticed a lot of injuries in this game too. The first one I had about 3-4 and the second game I had 2. Tone this down and we'll be good.
Only had one, when I ran Todd constantly, admittedly to try and get him injured. Have nothing against the guy, but it's the only way to sub in Mr. Pryor in this demo. My fiendish plan succeeded in the 3rd qtr.

Pryor is going to be ridiculous as he matures, he's already pretty special as a frosh in this game.
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Only had one, when I ran Todd constantly, admittedly to try and get him injured. Have nothing against the guy, but it's the only way to sub in Mr. Pryor in this demo. My fiendish plan succeeded in the 3rd qtr.

I havent downloaded the demo yet but are you able to change packages in the demo?

if so use the "backup quarterback" package and it should put him in

as for any bugs in the demo, the demo is from a build thats well over a month old so they have probably fixed some of the stuff for the Final build of the game
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buckeyemania11;1188503; said:
I havent downloaded the demo yet but are you able to change packages in the demo?

if so use the "backup quarterback" package and it should put him in

as for any bugs in the demo, the demo is from a build thats well over a month old so they have probably fixed some of the stuff for the Final build of the game

No you can't change packages, and the demo is 3 weeks prior to it's final code release for the game .
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mstevmac;1188535; said:
No you can't change packages, and the demo is 3 weeks prior to it's final code release for the game .

I don't know about the XBOX version, but on the PS3 Demo I can use sub packages to get Pryor out there. Running the option with him is a dream :biggrin:
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