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To anyone who hasn't played as LSU on the demo, I highly recommend it. I played one game as LSU last night and got to see some neat changes in the homefield advantage. When affected by the advantage, some receivers will have question marks over their heads (at least pre-snap). Also pre-snap, when looking at routes, the lines will be very wavy. I don't think either really impacted my play, they seemed like some nice changes.

Also, after throwing an interception, it asked me which defense I thought was called against me. I apparently guessed correctly, and it said it would help to boost my composure, or something like that. Well, it must not have been much of a boost, because my next pre-snap read had question marks and wavy lines everywhere. Very cool to see though.

Also, from what I've read in some other forums, it appears that the demo is not as good as the beta that's been played by a number of guys from various fan sites. So I'm not worrying about any minor bugs, most of those seem to have been fixed. The only thing I haven't seen specifically addressed yet, is whether or not we'll be able to edit player class (outside of dynasty) this year, as they always screw up a few players on every team.
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BrutuStrength;1189258; said:
To anyone who hasn't played as LSU on the demo, I highly recommend it. I played one game as LSU last night and got to see some neat changes in the homefield advantage. When affected by the advantage, some receivers will have question marks over their heads (at least pre-snap). Also pre-snap, when looking at routes, the lines will be very wavy. I don't think either really impacted my play, they seemed like some nice changes.

Also, after throwing an interception, it asked me which defense I thought was called against me. I apparently guessed correctly, and it said it would help to boost my composure, or something like that. Well, it must not have been much of a boost, because my next pre-snap read had question marks and wavy lines everywhere. Very cool to see though.

Also, from what I've read in some other forums, it appears that the demo is not as good as the beta that's been played by a number of guys from various fan sites. So I'm not worrying about any minor bugs, most of those seem to have been fixed. The only thing I haven't seen specifically addressed yet, is whether or not we'll be able to edit player class (outside of dynasty) this year, as they always screw up a few players on every team.

I'm almost positive that it has been said you can now change a players class :biggrin:
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Sportsbuck28;1189299; said:
Its been confirmed by EA producers and by screenshots.
Yeah, I just found the confirmation in this thread at OperationSports. It's a Q&A thread with one of their developers. Post #849 he confirms it.

:biggrin: I am so looking forward to this game now. :biggrin:

Has anyone seen confirmation that the rosters don't get all screwed up when changing the depth charts?

Edit: Nevermind. I just found where the depth chart still resets itself every time a player is edited.
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I played my first and only game last night, won 14-7 :banger:

TP led a late drive to win the game with 16 seconds left.. Beanie is a beast - are you guys having more success using the stiff arm or highlight stick?

Ehhh, it's good but not as good as it could be..

For the life of me, I don't understand why bands aren't there and the crowds look so crappy...

Sorry, I don't buy the disc space excuse.. there is 50 some gigs available on a BluRay disc...... FIFA seems to have no problem making crowds look good as well as many other titles.

The crowd would do a lot to making the game more realistic.. I don't see the pony formation unless you guys are talking about the shotgun set where it's beanie and saine..

It's better than the last one, but it seems EA just makes minimal improvements every year and takes the $60 for the game..
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BrutuStrength;1189304; said:
Yeah, I just found the confirmation in this thread at OperationSports. It's a Q&A thread with one of their developers. Post #849 he confirms it.

:biggrin: I am so looking forward to this game now. :biggrin:

Has anyone seen confirmation that the rosters don't get all screwed up when changing the depth charts?

Edit: Nevermind. I just found where the depth chart still resets itself every time a player is edited.

I think Adam had mentioned something about them still getting screwed up. But that's the least of my worries. Also he is almost sure they will be releasing a patch for some things. But they will not be releasing it until they can fix mostly everything in 1 patch because Microsoft allows 1 free patch and after that it is very expensive.
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For the life of me, I don't understand why bands aren't there and the crowds look so crappy.
Pretty limited hardware.
Sorry, I don't buy the disc space excuse.. there is 50 some gigs available on a BluRay disc...... FIFA seems to have no problem making crowds look good as well as many other titles.
I have no specific knowledge of the programming end, but generally speaking there are very few collisions or complex interactions/animations in fifa. A lot of running around. Seems like it would be easier to bump up the settings with less risk of a 'slowdown' like you get when running your settings too high and encountering an animation-heavy scene.
It's better than the last one, but it seems EA just makes minimal improvements every year and takes the $60 for the game..
Yup. They are at least pretending to try to improve gameplay this year though...
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jwinslow;1189590; said:
I have no specific knowledge of the programming end, but generally speaking there are very few collisions or complex interactions/animations in fifa. A lot of running around. Seems like it would be easier to bump up the settings with less risk of a 'slowdown' like you get when running your settings too high and encountering an animation-heavy scene.
I think it also has something to do with FPS, and the human eye can only detect it at 60 fps at most.
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I loved last year's, cept it was too easy to run. They fixed that this year, the graphics are much more detailed. I do wish they would change the commentary a bit. It's been the same exact thing for like 6 years now. Very impressed with the demo though. Got mine paid off already, cant wait.
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As far as bands go, I've been wondering this for awhile. I'd like to see a half time show implemented. Yeah, it would be completely different from the game itself, but it would capture more of the college experience. You could go get a drink if you don't wanna watch it, skip it, or enjoy. Or worst case scenario, show the band playing the fight song after a score.

As far as the crowd, I'm sure the crowd looks crappy to cut down on system resources. With the players and animations getting more detailed, it makes it tougher to draw lots of lower priority objects like fans. Plus there could be an issue with memory being taxed, I'd lean more towards the video side though. Its definitly not a storage issue as mentioned, Blue Ray has plenty of space.
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Its definitly not a storage issue as mentioned, Blue Ray has plenty of space.

This is true, but a dvd may not, and they arent going to make 2 completely seperate versions of the game for 360 and PS3. If they did, you would see a much bigger difference on PS3.

I dont really care about the crowd though. It's the sound they make that matters, not the visuals.

Isnt it funny how we nit pick this kind of stuff, but think how far the graphic detail has come in just a few years :)
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