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Played tonight.. really digged it. I got into it, awesome game tonight.. Boeckman was 6/7 for 110 yards and a TD while Beanie had a solid game and some crucial runs. Defense was nails.. pumped for the game to come out now...

Amazing what HD can do
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Wells4Heisman;1191812; said:
I can't wait for the real game.... I just love playing against people online and playing against their style of offense and defense (unless they cheese...).

Agreed. There's nothing like playing against another person. The CPU is okay but gets kind of boring after a while. Greatest feeling ever though is when someone uses cheese against you and then you still win!!
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Bleed S & G;1191779; said:
Played tonight.. really digged it. I got into it, awesome game tonight.. Boeckman was 6/7 for 110 yards and a TD while Beanie had a solid game and some crucial runs. Defense was nails.. pumped for the game to come out now...

Amazing what HD can do

Yeah, I just went and got a 32" Samsung HDTV about 2 weeks ago and before that playing video games on a 16 year old 19" Toshiba. NOW that's an upgrade. But yeah It is amazing what HD can do
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mstevmac;1191915; said:
Yeah, I just went and got a 32" Samsung HDTV about 2 weeks ago and before that playing video games on a 16 year old 19" Toshiba. NOW that's an upgrade. But yeah It is amazing what HD can do

Yeah, really trying to persuade the wife that I need a small HDTV for my PS3. I have a bad feeling I am going to lose that battle unless I win some bigger money playing poker (even then she will probable just confiscate it):sad2:
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Piney;1191929; said:
Yeah, really trying to persuade the wife that I need a small HDTV for my PS3. I have a bad feeling I am going to lose that battle unless I win some bigger money playing poker (even then she will probable just confiscate it):sad2:

I'll tell you what though, Best Buy has 10%/12% off coupons (from Original Price). I got the 32" for $575. I think it's the best purchase I've ever made other than the 360 :)

EDIT: 1,000th POST!!!:groove2:
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mstevmac;1192107; said:
How do you guys feel about OSU's playbook in the Demo? Like it, not enough variety, etc?

I found a huge variety in my eyes.... I saw sets that I saw in the Championship game and I had never seen before really....

I think its good, did you look through all the plays in the Formation section?
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Wells4Heisman;1192110; said:
I found a huge variety in my eyes.... I saw sets that I saw in the Championship game and I had never seen before really....

I think its good, did you look through all the plays in the Formation section?

Yeah I looked through it. I'm not saying I didn't like it. I was just wondering what everyone thought about the new playbooks. There are some new formations that I like. I think it's a nice addition to the game in adding the new looks in the formations.

I played one drive as LSU to see what the home field advantage was like, and their Shotgun formations is ridiculous. They have like 12 different looks in that formation.
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