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Sportsbuck28;1198764; said:
The Nut and the Feisty Weasel

From his impressions, he said that the INT's are out of control again on AA... but on Heisman they were just right.

Who the heck is that? I've never seen this website nor have I heard of this guy. None of the guys from OS have reported the INT bug in '09. So I still think I am still going to try out AA with sliders until I hear this bug from someone worth while believing. I mean it is a blog BEFORE the game is released. One thing is for sure, I'm sure all of us are hoping it's fixed
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mstevmac;1198781; said:
Who the heck is that? I've never seen this website nor have I heard of this guy. None of the guys from OS have reported the INT bug in '09. So I still think I am still going to try out AA with sliders until I hear this bug from someone worth while believing. I mean it is a blog BEFORE the game is released. One thing is for sure, I'm sure all of us are hoping it's fixed
He's apparantly been reviewing video games for a long time... writes articles for a few gaming sites as well.

Most of the people that have read his reviews in the past say that he tells it straight up, no bullshitting around the bush to stay on EA's good side. That said, I hadn't heard of him either... but he is a Buckeye fan!
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Sportsbuck28;1198795; said:
He's apparantly been reviewing video games for a long time... writes articles for a few gaming sites as well.

Most of the people that have read his reviews in the past say that he tells it straight up, no bullshitting around the bush to stay on EA's good side. That said, I hadn't heard of him either... but he is a Buckeye fan!

Hmmm. I'm not calling BS on you, I just have never heard of this guy. But if it's true that stinks. I guess sliders will play even more of a role. And if it's THAT bad, we'll be moving up to Heisman with sliders for the 360 dynasty. But thanks for the mini background info on him. And yeah it's good to have a Buckeye fan doing a review:)
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mstevmac;1198827; said:
Hmmm. I'm not calling BS on you, I just have never heard of this guy. But if it's true that stinks. I guess sliders will play even more of a role. And if it's THAT bad, we'll be moving up to Heisman with sliders for the 360 dynasty. But thanks for the mini background info on him. And yeah it's good to have a Buckeye fan doing a review:)

But the dude has a huge thread now on OperationSports and it seems people do respect his opinion.

But his recent blogs have been optimistic. Seems like a tweak to the sliders on AA will cut down the interceptions and it seems more likely a one game thing versus a problem with interceptions like last year.

A couple of things I liked. It really seems like you will be able to feel the difference between good teams and bad teams. Meaning it will be hard to pull off upsets when you shouldn't. Which should make things interesting in the PS3 dynasty since we are going to play with weaker teams.

The only issue there seems to be is kick coverage/returns.
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I just now realized that this game won't be available for the original Xbox. I understand why, but it still sucks.

You guys have fun with this one. I love this game, but it's not worth over $350 for the game plus a new console.

EDIT: I do have PSP. I guess I'll have to give that version a try. It's gonna be a different experience than I'm used to though, that's for sure.
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jlb1705;1202724; said:
I just now realized that this game won't be available for the original Xbox. I understand why, but it still sucks.

You guys have fun with this one. I love this game, but it's not worth over $350 for the game plus a new console.

EDIT: I do have PSP. I guess I'll have to give that version a try. It's gonna be a different experience than I'm used to though, that's for sure.

Not sure how much you're willing to pay but looks like XBox 360 will get another price cut very soon.......$299
Xbox 360 Pro for $299 all but confirmed - Engadget
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Bleed S & G;1202976; said:
That would be beacause PS3 is kicking ass.. hopefully the designers start to gravitate toward that platform as more people get it

According to NPD, that's because people are buying it as a movie player. PS3 sales are up because it's often cheaper to grab one of those than it is a standalone blu-ray box. While that's already changing to some degree, the actual gaming figures for the PS3 have only marginally improved, leaving them dramatically behind the 360 and the Wii. Now, that's not a knock on the PS3; obviously it came out much later, came with Sony's first generation online platform while MS was on its second, and the Wii took a much bigger bite out of Sony than it did MS because of the timing of the three launches. Had all three systems dropped on the same day, I wonder how different the current situation would be?

The Wii has been the real surprise. Here's hoping all three companies put out next generation products -- the more, the merrier. As someone who hasn't had to pay for any of the consoles, but has all three (here's hoping THAT lasts too), I think each brings unique value.
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