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Played a game... beat LSU 21-0.

First off, the OSU starting lineup from the demo.. (Only those at positions where its changed...)

- Ross Homan is starting at OLB
- Taurian Washington is the No. 4 WR, meaning Dane is probably No. 5
- Curtis Terry is starting at FB
- Todd Denlinger and Doug Worthington are starting at DT's.

Some impressions ..

- Beanie had a sick stiff arm. Threw the guy like a rag doll ala the NC game... they got this part way right.
- The deep ball is actually completeable this year, unlike 08. Hit Robo for a few deep balls.
- Slants are deadly on this game... hit Hartline for a few of them.
- The running game is much improved. You actually have to slow down and wait for your blocks to set up, so if you hold the sprint button down all the time, your screwed.
- Running behind the left side where Boone and Rehring are = automatic 7-8 yards.
- The smart players play smart. I saw Laurinaitis come off of a block and get in perfect position to break up a screen pass.
- Cam Heyward is a beast. I ran down Keiland Williams from behind with him, stripped the ball, picked it up, and ran for a touchdown.

*And I ran 2 fake FG's with Pryor, who is the default backup QB, and he can move on the game, and has a rocket arm*
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Difficulty: Varsity
Quarters: 2 Minutes

Well I do like the game but it seems a bit easy... but that is probably due to the difficulty.. I've noticed that inside routes are usually guaranteed a completion.. The graphics are great but the crowd still looks eh....

I can't wait for the game regardless and I would write more of a report but I'm dead tired... so maybe you'll hear more from me later.
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