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x1buckeye1x;1178847; said:
Not sure if this has been posted but a lot of the developers for EA are starting to post on message boards to answer questions. Adam Thompson, one of the art designers, has a really nice thread going over at OS forums. It's 50 pages now, but he's answered a lot of questions.

Adam Thompson (NCAA Designer) Q&A Thread - Operation Sports Forums

I hope that link works.

Yeah I've been following all the pages. I did ask him one question...

Quote: Originally Posted by ThatsWhatSheSaid

I appreciate all that you are doing. It's great to finally be able to talk to someone that works on creating the game. One question:

Are there weather changes mid game? Like for instance, cloudy/overcast to light rain to heavy rain? Or visa versa?

And the dotting of the I in script Ohio would be amazing. As for Block O (student section), it would be amazing to have the section stand out drastically (card stunts, etc) from the rest of the stadium. Oh and a somewhat detailed band section. And I read he said they don't stand out this year but is a work in progress...

His Response: No, weather doesn't change. At least not that I have seen.
We'd love to have dotting of the I of course. The funny thing about the bands is we had them in the stadiums in 07. We took them out on 08 and nobody seemed to notice. I hope we can get them back in soon.

I have also just posted a few more questions
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Demo has been reported to come out sooner rather than later according to Adam Thompson (NCAA Designer)....He wasn't allowed to give us a date, but he said it's much earlier than what he thought, and also that it's earlier than the 1 week pre-release of ncaa 08.
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Top 50 players in the game....

Stick Skills - Article: Top 50 Players

1. James Laurinaitis - MLB - Ohio State - 99 OVR
5. Chris Wells - HB - Ohio State - 97 OVR
13. Malcolm Jenkins - CB - Ohio State - 96 OVR
14. Alex Boone - LT - Ohio State - 96 OVR
15. Marcus Freeman - ROLB - Ohio State - 96 OVR
27. Steve Rehring - LG - Ohio State - 95 OVR
47. Lawrence Wilson - LE - Ohio State - 94 OVR

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mstevmac;1179858; said:
Top 50 players in the game....

Stick Skills - Article: Top 50 Players

1. James Laurinaitis - MLB - Ohio State - 99 OVR
5. Chris Wells - HB - Ohio State - 97 OVR
13. Malcolm Jenkins - CB - Ohio State - 96 OVR
14. Alex Boone - LT - Ohio State - 96 OVR
15. Marcus Freeman - ROLB - Ohio State - 96 OVR
27. Steve Rehring - LG - Ohio State - 95 OVR
47. Lawrence Wilson - LE - Ohio State - 94 OVR


Great googly moogly.

we have 7 of the top 47 players in the game lol...and 6 of them are top 27!
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OregonBuckeye;1181279; said:
I hate you rich bastards. I'm still playing '07 on Xbox.

lol I am no such thing, but man it's great to here someone tell me I'm a rich bastard lol. I'm quite used to it, growing up in a wealthy township and everyone around hated us. But anyways If you are going to get a game every year, NCAA series is the way to go
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