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mstevmac;1172327; said:
How do you feel about taking teams that are overall under 75 and bringing them up from the lower conferences?

What about playing on Heisman so that it is challenging?

I see you stole my idea for just claiming teams from a large pool. :biggrin:

The Heisman v All-American will be interesting. I always hated Heisman mode since it seemed like the ai cheated more versus being tougher. I always prefered using All-American and adjusting the sliders. And from what I read if the commish puts in sliders that it will carry over to the online dynasty.

And when I get home tonight I plan on looking up this stuff in more detail.
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mstevmac;1172810; said:

Yeah, seems like the Beta testers are really liking the game. I am more interested in the Beta Test for the Online Dynasty that they are doing too. Also the EA website has a nice run down on how the dynasty will be working online.

But while I looked last night I didn't see anything about storage of your dynasty stats. I could have sworn I saw something earlier, but I just can't find it anymore. I am just too lazy to create a website to store the data :biggrin:
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Glad to see the clear visors and the graphics are better, but there are still some things missing. I want to see the eye black, 85 man rosters, and less INT's. Probably not going to buy the game...though I say that every year and end up getting it. I'll at least rent it first. The equipment sounds stupid but I think it makes the game look much better and clean. 70 man rosters are tough to dwindle down when you land 12-15 5 star players per recruiting classes. I think the claim is simply that there isn't enough space (to answer you jwins). However, I have had to drop players I really didn't want to because of this. It would make the human even more dominant though. The INT's were just insane and drove me nuts in '08. The deep ball was almost never there too. More open cutback lanes is a good advantage, I guess, until you get on defense most likely. I actually liked '08 a lot and have some good dynasties going, so it will be tough to get me to budge this year. My favorite dynasty's file went corrupt and is set to bowl week on the first week. It won't let me recruit and if I simulate, it just freezes...bummer. My team was filthy good. Anyways, we'll see.
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RB07OSU;1173240; said:
Glad to see the clear visors and the graphics are better, but there are still some things missing. I want to see the eye black, 85 man rosters, and less INT's. Probably not going to buy the game...though I say that every year and end up getting it. I'll at least rent it first. The equipment sounds stupid but I think it makes the game look much better and clean. 70 man rosters are tough to dwindle down when you land 12-15 5 star players per recruiting classes. I think the claim is simply that there isn't enough space (to answer you jwins). However, I have had to drop players I really didn't want to because of this. It would make the human even more dominant though. The INT's were just insane and drove me nuts in '08. The deep ball was almost never there too. More open cutback lanes is a good advantage, I guess, until you get on defense most likely. I actually liked '08 a lot and have some good dynasties going, so it will be tough to get me to budge this year. My favorite dynasty's file went corrupt and is set to bowl week on the first week. It won't let me recruit and if I simulate, it just freezes...bummer. My team was filthy good. Anyways, we'll see.

INT's have been toned down dramatically this year
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