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Sportsbuck28;1170996; said:
Anyone here on a 360 that wants to be in an online league?

mstevmac;1170869; said:
I will be making an Online Dynasty (360)...not sure what the rules and such are gonna be but I'll make a new thread for it when I decide everything.

^^What I wrote last page....I am in the process of putting a little web page together to keep winners and little things like that
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I'm all in on a 360 league. I think it would be sweet to all be in the same conference and play 1-2 games a week. That would be a season every 7-10 weeks playing 5+ seasons per year. That would be a pretty decent pace.
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mstevmac;1171008; said:
^^What I wrote last page....I am in the process of putting a little web page together to keep winners and little things like that

I read somewhere that EA might have something available for league commishes where it stores the stats and stuff from the Dynasty. So you can go to the EA website and have a link to our league to view stats and stuff.

But dang it... my work blocked the website that I saw it on. So will have to remember to check it out when I get home to make sure. But I do have to read up on it more as I have seen that just browsing message boards reading up on new info.
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jwinslow;1171354; said:
I question your reading ability.

Yeah, one reason I am afraid to start a PS3 thread now. After a few pages some people will be too lazy to read the first page where all the info will be and will get people that will chime in on page 5 asking questions that had been answered 50 times already.
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Piney;1171359; said:
I read somewhere that EA might have something available for league commishes where it stores the stats and stuff from the Dynasty. So you can go to the EA website and have a link to our league to view stats and stuff.

But dang it... my work blocked the website that I saw it on. So will have to remember to check it out when I get home to make sure. But I do have to read up on it more as I have seen that just browsing message boards reading up on new info.

Piney do you have any update about this?
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I recall reading something similar to that as well.

I'm more in favor of us spreading out over conferences. This is obviously if we have a lot more guys, but if we did get the max of 12 guys, I'd like to see 4 guys in each of 3 selected conferences.
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That's weird because I've browsed about 5/6 forums about ncaa and haven't heard of this. But until I see a link to some info from a good source, I don't think I could believe it. I do like the idea, and I do hope it is in the game though.
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mstevmac;1172097; said:
I'm in the process of putting one together...stay tuned for a separate thread here soon

I will watch for it, but PM me too. I always buy this game on day one, and I play it a lot. Of course I would love to be the Bucks, but if we have a 10-12 team draft I am sure we can all end up with really good teams.
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