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Okay so I have 3 options for the online dynasty for Team Picking...

#1 Totally Random I will draw names of all the teams in the game and that user will be assigned that team

#2 We let the user chose the team but with certain restrictions, such as staying out of the powerhouse conferences, or other guidelines

#3 We let the user pick their team

I'm looking for input here
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3074326;1137282; said:
I'm pretty happy that EA finally decided to give us he ability to use custom songs. I know it's minor compared to some of the other stuff, but still.

Looks like I'll be buying NCAA 09.

Does this mean we can download songs into the game -or- do they have a preset list you can choose from and insert them in the situation of your choice (i.e. after touchdown or on 3rd down)
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mstevmac;1172109; said:
Okay so I have 3 options for the online dynasty for Team Picking...

#1 Totally Random I will draw names of all the teams in the game and that user will be assigned that team

#2 We let the user chose the team but with certain restrictions, such as staying out of the powerhouse conferences, or other guidelines

#3 We let the user pick their team

I'm looking for input here
#3 is my choice.
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mstevmac;1171951; said:
Piney do you have any update about this?

My bad... didn't get to it last night.

mstevmac;1172109; said:
Okay so I have 3 options for the online dynasty for Team Picking...

#1 Totally Random I will draw names of all the teams in the game and that user will be assigned that team

#2 We let the user chose the team but with certain restrictions, such as staying out of the powerhouse conferences, or other guidelines

#3 We let the user pick their team

I'm looking for input here

#1 Won't work, for a dynasty the player has to feel some ownership for the league. Or else if they suck they will be more likely to bail. (In my opinion)

#2 & #3 is the same ain't it? Really before you get to picking teams all the players involved have to decide how they want their league run. Either with restrictions or without. And then depending on what teams are available will determine the best way to pick teams.

For example what if you got 5-6 guys and everyone agrees to be teams from the MAC. While some teams are better than others it is basically an even playing field. But maybe 3-4 of those guys want teams based on them being their alma maters or any other reason. So you can ask each guy what team they would want to play. Maybe 3-4 of those guys are each unique (Let's say Ohio, Akron, Kent & Ball State) but 2 guys want Miami (OH). Well you let the 4 that wanted unique teams keep them, and then you let figure out which of the 2 gets their team. You can flip a virtual coin or you can have them play a game online to determine the winner.

So to sum up. Most likely I will do one of 2 methods. A draft of teams after we determine the restrictions to the league. Or a more open claiming of teams with the understanding that any conflicts will be settled via coin flip. Or if multiple conflicts with multiple teams then going back to a regular draft.
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Piney;1172254; said:
My bad... didn't get to it last night.

#1 Won't work, for a dynasty the player has to feel some ownership for the league. Or else if they suck they will be more likely to bail. (In my opinion)

#2 & #3 is the same ain't it? Really before you get to picking teams all the players involved have to decide how they want their league run. Either with restrictions or without. And then depending on what teams are available will determine the best way to pick teams.

For example what if you got 5-6 guys and everyone agrees to be teams from the MAC. While some teams are better than others it is basically an even playing field. But maybe 3-4 of those guys want teams based on them being their alma maters or any other reason. So you can ask each guy what team they would want to play. Maybe 3-4 of those guys are each unique (Let's say Ohio, Akron, Kent & Ball State) but 2 guys want Miami (OH). Well you let the 4 that wanted unique teams keep them, and then you let figure out which of the 2 gets their team. You can flip a virtual coin or you can have them play a game online to determine the winner.

So to sum up. Most likely I will do one of 2 methods. A draft of teams after we determine the restrictions to the league. Or a more open claiming of teams with the understanding that any conflicts will be settled via coin flip. Or if multiple conflicts with multiple teams then going back to a regular draft.

I like the idea of doing a draft of teams, it seems to be a more fair way of doing things instead of having open claims and the posibilty of 2 or 3 people fighting over the same team
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buckeyemania11;1172305; said:
I like the idea of doing a draft of teams, it seems to be a more fair way of doing things instead of having open claims and the posibilty of 2 or 3 people fighting over the same team

But if we are doing a MAC league then I have to be my alma mater Ohio University... so screw you all. Or I just might have to rig the draft order so I pick first so I can get my alma mater :biggrin:
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mstevmac;1172327; said:
How do you feel about taking teams that are overall under 75 and bringing them up from the lower conferences?

What about playing on Heisman so that it is challenging?
I have no problem doing this - but I also wouldn't mind getting 2 teams from the Big10, SEC, PAC10, ACC, Big Gay, etc.
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