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mstevmac;1170869; said:
I will be making an Online Dynasty (360)...not sure what the rules and such are gonna be but I'll make a new thread for it when I decide everything.

Yeah, figuring out the rules and the way to go with it seems to be of some discussion. Two schools of thought, have everyone in the same conference and go right at each other week to week. Or have 2-3 guys per conference to spread things out.

Both have its pros and cons. Everyone in the same conference means you will be recruiting all the same players and you get more live play. But on the con side someone has to suck (or get bad teams vs some teams being great right away) and then recruiting becomes harder. And then you won't have live matchups in bowl games. Plus playing 8-9 live games a season would drag out each year and you might only get through 4-6 seasons of a dynasty.

If you spread players around then each team will be even to start (whether you all pick Top 10 schools or limit the type of program you can use). You can play live games in your non-conference schedule then the 1-2 guys in your conference. Then you are more likely to have 2 live teams playing in the Championship game and bowl pairings. Also if you only play 3-5 live games a year you might be able to get through alot of seasons.

The cons being you don't have many live games and not alot of teams butting heads against each other on the recruiting trail except for the national blue chip prospects. Plus you don't play each league member each season and might not play someone for a few seasons.

Oh... can you tell I am excited for NCAA 09?
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buckeyemania11;1170872; said:
alright, what do you think about doing all MAC teams? I like the idea of having to build a team instead of steping in and being able to dominate right away with upper level teams

That is what I would think we would have to do on this board. Plus building your team is the real fun in NCAA dynasties. (Dibs on Ohio University) Really if we do the Big Ten we would all be fighting to be Ohio State. :biggrin:

But I have been thinking of being a commish for a league if we can get enough people. While we are allowed up to 12 people, we don't have to be that crazy. If we can get 4-5 solid guys we can get it started. And I have read we can always expand if someone wants to join midway through it.

Closer to the release date I will start a thread to get a list of all the PS3 guys that would want to do a dynasty, and hammer out what type of league we want to do (Everyone in 1 conference, ie the MAC or split guys up 2-3 per conference)
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mstevmac;1170869; said:
I will be making an Online Dynasty (360)...not sure what the rules and such are gonna be but I'll make a new thread for it when I decide everything.
I'm in. Would you up for some SEC action? :p

I'd take UGA just to spite ubet :biggrin:
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BuffaloBuck;1170819; said:
Until they make the gameplay realistic who cares what kind of bells and whistles it has...or how pretty it is?

Yep...They can't make a realistic blocking scheme on an option(Yet they can have some miracle backwards no look falling down pitch from the qb to a hb who isn't even looking but will catch it anyways) or a db who will not come out of the zone til the qb runs by him,then I really don't care if they added prettier makeup to a cheerleaders face...Fix the AI,and i'll be first in line with praise. Online play is a joke..It's hard to get a straight game and the guy play 4 quarters. A gigantic portion of the top players online are bullshit artists of the AI.
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Piney;1170878; said:
That is what I would think we would have to do on this board. Plus building your team is the real fun in NCAA dynasties. (Dibs on Ohio University) Really if we do the Big Ten we would all be fighting to be Ohio State. :biggrin:

But I have been thinking of being a commish for a league if we can get enough people. While we are allowed up to 12 people, we don't have to be that crazy. If we can get 4-5 solid guys we can get it started. And I have read we can always expand if someone wants to join midway through it.

Closer to the release date I will start a thread to get a list of all the PS3 guys that would want to do a dynasty, and hammer out what type of league we want to do (Everyone in 1 conference, ie the MAC or split guys up 2-3 per conference)

alright sounds good

I dont know if you saw this http://www.easports.com/downloads/easports/ncaa09/onlinedynasty/RunningTheOnlineDynastyAsCommiss.pdf

16. The commissioner is able to add/delete members at any point in the dynasty,Change the settings, and retire the dynasty from the Online Dynasty Setup Menu off of the Online Dynasty Main Menu.

so you can expand, and if we get a cheeser you can boot them as well
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buckeyemania11;1170886; said:
alright sounds good

I dont know if you saw this http://www.easports.com/downloads/easports/ncaa09/onlinedynasty/RunningTheOnlineDynastyAsCommiss.pdf

so you can expand, and if we get a cheeser you can boot them as well

Yeah, have read about that. Which is kinda cool if you have someone that can't meet deadlines or is never available to play their games. And then anyone who is a cheeser. ( I love when people put their WRs in as QB) But then again I suck online. :biggrin:

In addition if we start with a small group we can add guys and expand.

FYI - I will probable create a thread a month before the release date (July 15th) so expect a thread to pop up in June. Too early to start one now as it might just fill up with garbage by then.
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Piney;1170893; said:
Yeah, have read about that. Which is kinda cool if you have someone that can't meet deadlines or is never available to play their games. And then anyone who is a cheeser. ( I love when people put their WRs in as QB) But then again I suck online. :biggrin:

In addition if we start with a small group we can add guys and expand.

:lol: oh I love when people do that, its almost impossible to play a random person online without running into a cheeser

I guess the best definition of "cheese" is doing something that is not done in real football for the purpose of exploiting the AI (which is completly retarded at times)

My favorite is the people who run straight back like 20 yards with the QB and then chuck it up to the open reciever (there is always at least one due to the AI not being able to adapt to this type of situation)
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MililaniBuckeye; said:
Someone explain to me HTF Clausen is one point better than Pryor overall when:


Pryor totally dominates Clausen in four of seven areas (speed, agility, accuracy, and whatever "TRK" means), leads in a fifth (strength), is only two points behind in a sixth ("BTK")...the only area where Clausen clearly leads is awareness, and his 11 point lead there is less then the leads Pryor has in the four areas his dominates. Yet Clausen is the better overall QB.
I would say because 2 crucial (and others) catagories are missing.. pass power and pass accuracy.
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buckeyemania11;1170900; said:
:lol: oh I love when people do that, its almost impossible to play a random person online without running into a cheeser

I guess the best definition of "cheese" is doing something that is not done in real football for the purpose of exploiting the AI (which is completly retarded at times)

My favorite is the people who run straight back like 20 yards with the QB and then chuck it up to the open reciever (there is always at least one due to the AI not being able to adapt to this type of situation)

Bingo...Just a small portion of the bullshit from online play. How about the nano blitz? I remember the WR direct a few years ago where the center would snap the ball all the way through the offensive line (sideways through the entire oline) and the ball landed in the WR's hand everytime....How about the goal line offense with a USER lead blocker (which is a hell of a lot harder to stop then it sounds)...
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powerlifter;1170948; said:
Bingo...Just a small portion of the bullshit from online play. How about the nano blitz? I remember the WR direct a few years ago where the center would snap the ball all the way through the offensive line (sideways through the entire oline) and the ball landed in the WR's hand everytime....How about the goal line offense with a USER lead blocker (which is a hell of a lot harder to stop then it sounds)...

:lol: the WR direct snap glitch was classic, people exploited that like crazy

I never ran into anyone who did the goal line offense with the user lead blocker

another good one is the people who run a screen pass, but run the QB about 10 yards down the other side of the field (so it pulls all of the coverage away from the reciever of the screen) and then throw the pass
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