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Kind of Non-important but for you NCAA 09 football fans, Terrelle Pryors rating is out(along with the other QB's Runningbacks's and Wr's)

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Someone explain to me HTF Clausen is one point better than Pryor overall when:


Pryor totally dominates Clausen in four of seven areas (speed, agility, accuracy, and whatever "TRK" means), leads in a fifth (strength), is only two points behind in a sixth ("BTK")...the only area where Clausen clearly leads is awareness, and his 11 point lead there is less then the leads Pryor has in the four areas his dominates. Yet Clausen is the better overall QB.
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Someone explain to me HTF Clausen is one point better than Pryor overall when:


Pryor totally dominates Clausen in four of seven areas (speed, agility, accuracy, and whatever "TRK" means), leads in a fifth (strength), is only two points behind in a sixth ("BTK")...the only area where Clausen clearly leads is awareness, and his 11 point lead there is less then the leads Pryor has in the four areas his dominates. Yet Clausen is the better overall QB.
ACC is acceleration. I hope they don't think Pryor's accuracy is 92. TRK is trucking....or plowing through somebody. BTK is break tackles.
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JC is higher then TP only because he has a year of experience. Which doesn't mean a lot right now,but does up the awareness,which is more essential on NCAA. TP could not play a down and his ratings will be better next season. I think his ratings for a guy that's never played a college down are pretty good personally.
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