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mstevmac;1168437; said:
Link?? I haven't seen this one yet

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=6rIVFQG5IgY]YouTube - NCAA Football 09 Features Trailer[/ame]

Sorry I got my message boards mixed up LOL But here it is, its at about :45 spot. I hope they bring back where you can choose your TD celebration. (yes I kno Tressel would not be cool w/ that)
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I'd bump Robo up a couple points and his speed down a couple points. Same with Hartline except I wouldn't bump his speed down.

#83 and #8? Who are they? Posey and Thomas?

Dane is too low. I'd put him at an 84 overall.

Pryor's speed is way too low. He should be around a 95.

Saine's speed should be in the high 90's.
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Saine's speed should be higher, with a lot less agility.

#80's attributes seem about right for Stoneburner. Somebody give Bauserman some love in the athleticism dept too.
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Seems to me they are doing the norm...Painting a barn that needs a new foundation. Instead of fixing what's inside.

I'd be happier with flawless gameplay(or close to) a lot more then anything else in the game. It seems like they like to add new features,and go for the graphics...I want to see what the AI of the CPU is. That determines if I like it or not.
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