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mstevmac;1166341; said:
So I'm making the list for OSU and this is what I have so far....anyone want to help??

Field Goal Kick is Successful - BUCKEYE BATTLE CRY
2 Pt Conversion is Successful - BUCKEYE BATTLE CRY
Defense on 3rd Down - HELLS BELLS
Defense on 4th Down - HELLS BELLS
Kickoff - OH-IO CHEER
Timeout ? Home - I WANNA GO BACK
Timeout ? Visitor - NEUTRON MAN DANCE
Tackle for Loss/Sack
Defensive Stop on 3rd Down - LES REGIMENT CLIP
Defensive Stop on 4th Down
Defense take the field after a Kick Return
3rd Down Conversion is Successful - LES REGIMENT CLIP 2
4th Down Conversion is Successful
1st Down Conversion on 1st or 2nd Down
FG Miss by Opponent
Challenged Play - WIPEOUT
Start of 4th Quarter - HANG ON SLOOPY
Penalty on Away Team - NIGHT ON BALD MOUNTAIN


They play the "Empire" theme from Star Wars at times, but that might be hard to find in marching band form.

Really cool that you're doing this & uploading it for everyone. Greenies!
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ginn421;1167261; said:
They play the "Empire" theme from Star Wars at times, but that might be hard to find in marching band form.

Really cool that you're doing this & uploading it for everyone. Greenies!

Yeah, I've looked for the Star Wars Song and couldn't find it...

I want to incorporate "Across the Field" in the list, but I'm not sure where it would fit best. Does the band play Buckeye Battle Cry after the touchdown and PAT? If so I was thinking maybe Defense takes the field or Turnover would be good for Across The Field?

Also I don't plan on filling all the spot just because #1 Marching band doesn't play at all these times, #2 It would get annoying hearing them play something every 1st down etc. I think I may get rid of Hells Bells on 4th down because I have a feeling it is going to play even when the visiting team is punting.
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mstevmac;1167351; said:
Yeah, I've looked for the Star Wars Song and couldn't find it...

I want to incorporate "Across the Field" in the list, but I'm not sure where it would fit best. Does the band play Buckeye Battle Cry after the touchdown and PAT? If so I was thinking maybe Defense takes the field or Turnover would be good for Across The Field?

Also I don't plan on filling all the spot just because #1 Marching band doesn't play at all these times, #2 It would get annoying hearing them play something every 1st down etc. I think I may get rid of Hells Bells on 4th down because I have a feeling it is going to play even when the visiting team is punting.

That's true about 4th down. I wonder if it plays only on 4th downs where they go for it, or on every 4th down. I'd bet the latter.

Maybe Across The Field can play after a touchdown and Battle Cry after the PAT or vice versa. That would be a way to get them both in the game. They seem pretty interchangeable to me.

There's also a little clip the band plays after a good defensive play that would be awesome in the game, it sounds really intimidating. I'm not sure what it's called though, I'll have to try to look it up.
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ginn421;1167517; said:
That's true about 4th down. I wonder if it plays only on 4th downs where they go for it, or on every 4th down. I'd bet the latter.

Maybe Across The Field can play after a touchdown and Battle Cry after the PAT or vice versa. That would be a way to get them both in the game. They seem pretty interchangeable to me.

There's also a little clip the band plays after a good defensive play that would be awesome in the game, it sounds really intimidating. I'm not sure what it's called though, I'll have to try to look it up.

Is the beginning of this it??

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Ca_edg6RE]YouTube - Fantasia - Night on Bald Mountain[/ame]
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mstevmac;1167529; said:
Is the beginning of this it??

That's not the one I was thinking of, although it is pretty sweet. I've definitely heard that one during the games.

I honestly have no idea what the name of the song is...maybe I can find it on one of the past seasons' DVDs and rip it or something. Stay tuned.
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ginn421;1167986; said:
That's not the one I was thinking of, although it is pretty sweet. I've definitely heard that one during the games.

I honestly have no idea what the name of the song is...maybe I can find it on one of the past seasons' DVDs and rip it or something. Stay tuned.

Hmmmm I'm trying to think of what you're talking about but I can't think of it. I'll stay tuned and I'm curious as to what you are talking about. The list is almost complete too.
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I seriously hope the game play changes for the better. Maybe the cpu AI is a little smarter or something. Every time I see something on this game it seems like they are avoiding anything of that matter. Sure it'd be great to have a good looking computer cheerleader,but I really don't care about that.

Blocked field goals/EP's. I have sit in practice mode and seen these blocked constantly. Sure it can happen,but it is an OVERKILL.

CPU AI who sits in zone coverage even though the qb/rb is running five yards past the line of scrimmage.

Realistic Deep passes...Gets kind of old seeing either a pick or a touchdown everytime someone launches a bomb(online/spectacular catch)

Like coachveer said...Realistic blocking schemes for the option and specialty plays. It's amazing they can have a dog zone blitz and have dt's drop back,but can't let an end come through free on the option on offense.

How about a WR that catches passes even though your qb is playing minus whatever accuracy. I don't see why a qb playing plus or minus should determine if a pass is caught. I could understand him overshooting/under throwing a guy,but not hitting him in the numbers and seeing a pass dropped.

Some of those things would make the game more "realistic" to me.
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