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Many reports from the Community Day event, looks like NCAA 09 has a big problem already. Supposedly if you are playing the CPU, as soon as they get to the LOS, they snap the ball right away without giving you time to adjust your defense. If this is true thats really dumb as they have included new pre snap features.
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mstevmac;1173722; said:
Many reports from the Community Day event, looks like NCAA 09 has a big problem already. Supposedly if you are playing the CPU, as soon as they get to the LOS, they snap the ball right away without giving you time to adjust your defense. If this is true thats really dumb as they have included new pre snap features.

NCAA Football 09 at ncaa Strategies - View Single Post - EA Football Community Event Blog (5/29-30)

^^^ regarding the computer snapping

from what I read on here pass rush is the biggest issue and you have all day to throw unless you bring a heavy blitz

EA Football Community Event Blog (5/29-30) - NCAA Football 09 at ncaa Strategies

- Playbooks had at least 800+ new plays added. We were able to chat with the playbook guru for a while and it's always great info. (I'm hoping they do a blog with him this year.) The playbooks have added more 'complimentary' plays. IE: You'll have a run play, a playaction off that run play, etc. This way foes won't be able to rule out a PA pass based upon formation.

- There wasn't a lot of time to play much versus the CPU, but in some limited playing I didn't think they went deep enough. However, I had a game or two where I buried the CPU on All-American (using the better team) and also a game (or parts of) where the CPU really picked me apart and moved the ball on me. The CPU is no dummy, but I do wish it took a few more shots downfield.

- The PS3 versions of NCAA and Madden run smooth and equal to the 360. I didn't get into a 'color'/'crispness' showdown, but they both run equal and that sentiment was echoed by everyone who played both. (We did not have Head Coach on the PS3 to try out.)
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mstevmac;1173319; said:
INT's have been toned down dramatically this year

That's good news and from the report I read, it seems pretty cleaned up:
"Against zone defenses passes over the middle are more realistic this year as you'll be able to lob it over the linebackers head into the soft spot in the zone. So far I haven't seen as many superhuman jumps by the LBs which was of the causes of so many interceptions in NCAA 08."
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mstevmac;1173722; said:
Many reports from the Community Day event, looks like NCAA 09 has a big problem already. Supposedly if you are playing the CPU, as soon as they get to the LOS, they snap the ball right away without giving you time to adjust your defense. If this is true thats really dumb as they have included new pre snap features.

buckeyemania11;1173796; said:
^^^ regarding the computer snapping

from what I read on here pass rush is the biggest issue and you have all day to throw unless you bring a heavy blitz

That's what I am reading too. Basically the only flaws is the lack of pass rush & the computer snapping the ball fast. I also read that if the pass rush was better that this would score a 9.5-10. That is how close this game is to be VERY damn good.

Really the computer snapping the ball fast should have no bearing on you. Really, if you can't beat the CPU without a ton of pre-snap movements you need help. And what can you do against live opponents when they snap the ball ASAP? Cry to your mommy? :biggrin:

So really the lack of a pass rush might be the only real issue of this game. If that is the only problem with the game then I will be more than happy spending all of my free time playing NCAA 09.

Some people just set their expectations so freaking high.
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Piney;1174716; said:
That's what I am reading too. Basically the only flaws is the lack of pass rush & the computer snapping the ball fast. I also read that if the pass rush was better that this would score a 9.5-10. That is how close this game is to be VERY damn good.

Really the computer snapping the ball fast should have no bearing on you. Really, if you can't beat the CPU without a ton of pre-snap movements you need help. And what can you do against live opponents when they snap the ball ASAP? Cry to your mommy? :biggrin:

So really the lack of a pass rush might be the only real issue of this game. If that is the only problem with the game then I will be more than happy spending all of my free time playing NCAA 09.

Some people just set their expectations so freaking high.

I saw that someone had posted they were able to get some penetration with DT's. Now I'm sure using a little slider adjustments it might be okay.
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mstevmac;1174948; said:
119 teams total, and I haven't heard anything about create a team but I don't think it's in there

They added Western Kentucky so it is 120. I also doubt Create a School is available as it hasn't been the last few years.
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They have Lawrence Wilson as an all-american?


Yet Cam Heyward is only an 85? What were they smoking?


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