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osucollegebuck;1183290; said:
wow you keep it going that long??? After like 5-6 years I have to restart because I like playing with the real players.

I'm so desperate I created quite a aome of 2010's prospects from rivals,and other sites. This of course being after a load of them I created for 2009. Got bored with that and started creating some college football legends/made them from the same state,and hoped they went to the right school.Didn't recruit them if they weren't a buckeye,(kept their overall under 90),and had a lot of playing against elway,walker,jackson etc etc...boredom,but it turned out pretty cool,because I picked up speilman and tatum in the first week of recruiting.
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In an interview FK states that he hopes to have the game 1 week early (from official release date). If this happens he will probably have the rosters available on the official release date for users to download
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osustamm;1184432; said:
I've never had the whole rosters on a NCAA game. I'm just about as excited about having them as I am our online dynasty.

It actually helps in real college football time as well. Starting lineups of other teams,and standout players that sneak through the public eye stick out sometimes when their names are right there..
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powerlifter;1184435; said:
It actually helps in real college football time as well. Starting lineups of other teams,and standout players that sneak through the public eye stick out sometimes when their names are right there..

Agreed. I don't know what'd I'd do if I wasn't able to do use rosters the past 4 years. It just makes the game 100x's better with the names of the players
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