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Sportsbuck28;1203944; said:
No, PastaPadre did. There was a thread on OS saying that someone used Pasta's rosters and the dynasty froze, but it was taken down.

looks like a ps3 firmware issue

people who havent updated to 2.40/2.41 are not having the issue, according to the Operation Sports fourms

but this

I did, however, notice an odd glitch in the first game I played with edited rosters. I kicked off to Arkansas State and their return man was invisible....just a floating ball moving downfield. The game still sensed it I guess and I tackled him, but it was weird. Maybe has something to do with rosters? Didnt happen before...

I would probably laugh if I saw that, but hopefully they get a patch out in a few weeks.........
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mstevmac;1204057; said:
360 Update....PastaPadre has had his roster done for a few days and are all ready to go. Also DT has reported that he has not had any problems with editing the rosters. Could it be the disks?
EA did the rosters for PastaPadre and sent it to him according to several higher ups.

Rumor has it that it was done to purposely fuck with Brian K. (Long ass last name) who has a reputation in the roster industry as bad as Nick Saban.
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Sportsbuck28;1204254; said:
EA did the rosters for PastaPadre and sent it to him according to several higher ups.

Rumor has it that it was done to purposely fuck with Brian K. (Long ass last name) who has a reputation in the roster industry as bad as Nick Saban.

I dont know about EA doing the rosters for him....

I saw another rumor on OS something about it is tied into the servers for EALocker, to stop people who get the game early from getting all this online stuff going

who know though, I just hope they fix it
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Sportsbuck28;1204254; said:
EA did the rosters for PastaPadre and sent it to him according to several higher ups.

Rumor has it that it was done to purposely fuck with Brian K. (Long ass last name) who has a reputation in the roster industry as bad as Nick Saban.

FK has said that EA did NOT give him the rosters. But Pasta has not said that he has done the rosters either nor has he given credit to someone else. So you can continue speculation. Hopefully this "screw up" is a way to screw over Brian Kladouche.
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mstevmac;1204403; said:
FK has said that EA did NOT give him the rosters. But Pasta has not said that he has done the rosters either nor has he given credit to someone else. So you can continue speculation. Hopefully this "screw up" is a way to screw over Brian Kladouche.
MaddenMania - View Single Post - Official NCAA Bugs/Issues Thread

From one of the leaders at OS..

I have talked some some people in the know and unless Pasta has been sharing lies to his inner circle around the net, this is most definitely true. He got the file from EA, not sure the motives...not sure I really care. But he definitely did get the roster from EA.
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The problem has to do with the amount of characters in last names and such.

If it goes > 11 then it takes up extra space on the file and the file has to take out some teams to account for that. There's a link somewhere to a post from a roster guy on OS or MM or NCAA Strategies but I can't find it.
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Downloading the rosters isn't the problem, it's editing them............

so you can Download pastas rosters and be fine, just as long as you dont edit player names or equipment

It is either related to the number of changes introduced into the roster file (changing equipment after downloading roster files) or player name length (anything over 11 characters).

Symptoms Include:

  • Freezing
  • Teams Disappearing (Most notably FIU, FAU, USF)
  • Team Ratings going to 0
  • Players disappearing
heres the thread PS3/360 Roster Editing System Freeze Problem - Page 18 - NCAA Football 09 at ncaa Strategies
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mstevmac;1204528; said:
You can believe that if you want to, but coming from someone who knows pasta and has been in contact with him, I think I'll go with FK's response
And you can believe what you want, but I'll take the word of the community leaders.

Let me know how else he gets hyphens and symbols in the rosters when no one else can. It's not like it matters where he got them from, its more important to figure out why his work and others don't.

Also, a workaround for PS3ers from DTlinder.

I've enjoyed reading the countless posts regarding roster glitches and reading EA's lead team of experts confused responses, but it's time to reveal the reason why I can edit rosters without a problem.

The secret to avoiding glitches/freezing is... (pause) ...taking your system offline. What!?! That's it??? It's not an intentional ploy by EA? You can type in names longer than 11 characters? I don't have to set my clock forward? It doesn't have to do with overwriting the file? Nope! That's it!

I haven't tested the dynasty mode yet, but the root of all evil is when your system is online. EA will have to come up with a patch that fixes the online glitch, but the rosters are fully editable, you just have to edit them offline.

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