I haven't seen a huge problem with INT's as a whole. I think, as in past years, it's just that there are those "games" where INTs or fumbles occur a lot. I had a game against Troy yesterday where I threw 4 INTs against the CPU. 3 of them were touch passes, and the 4th was when I threw a 10 yard out that was jumped by the DB and returned for 6. I think I only got 1 pick against them. I'm sure I could play them again and have the INT numbers reversed.
Troy, surprisingly, gave me a pretty good game. They used a lot of shorter, dump-off passes and tried to mix in the running game every so often. Their kicker also drilled a long FG against me.
With regards to campus legend, I read that there was a bug where the player changes skin color every game, or something to that effect. I don't know the whole deal on that though, as I don't care much about that part of the game. Other than that, I believe that part of the game is largely the same as it was last year.