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Got it. Online and everything's working good. I'm downloading the demo now. I picked up a Used Battlefield CD along with a new copy of civilization. I love that game. Both are okay, I have to get used to a FPS using the little joysticks on BF2.

Neither will exist after tomorrow, I might even take them back.
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Not I, but we haven't tried either of those modes. Will try tomorrow and let you know.

Campus Legend was buggy last year with named rosters. If you've already snagged those, I wouldn't be just shocked to learn that was the problem.
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Clarity;1205716; said:
A couple quick notes. First, we couldn't get the rosters from 'pastapadre' at all, it just kept saying he didn't have any available downloads. We were able to get it from 'extremegamer' -- so if you run into the same thing, try the latter.

The reason is pastapadre took down his rosters due to all of the issues it caused.

Clarity;1205716; said:
Second, we edited that roster while online without consequence. We changed Henton to Pretorious (hey, the guy's wife used to be a BP member), and we filled in FIU's depth chart which was *empty* at several key positions..

And this is why PastaPadre took down his roster. But the editing "consequence" is FIU missing players. But also it seems to kick in on Padre's roster after you edited multiple teams. So just doing 2 teams might not have froze your game.

On a side note... not sure how long I can stay at work knowing I can pick up my copy at anytime today. I just know that I am leaving work early in some manner.
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Piney;1205775; said:
On a side note... not sure how long I can stay at work knowing I can pick up my copy at anytime today. I just know that I am leaving work early in some manner.
I am suffering from the same affliction. My only problem is that I haven't figured out whether I'm going to buy a PS3 (Blu-Ray, better familiarity, more expensive) or an Xbox (more games, less expensive, red ring of death) to go along with my game.
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I haven't seen a huge problem with INT's as a whole. I think, as in past years, it's just that there are those "games" where INTs or fumbles occur a lot. I had a game against Troy yesterday where I threw 4 INTs against the CPU. 3 of them were touch passes, and the 4th was when I threw a 10 yard out that was jumped by the DB and returned for 6. I think I only got 1 pick against them. I'm sure I could play them again and have the INT numbers reversed.

Troy, surprisingly, gave me a pretty good game. They used a lot of shorter, dump-off passes and tried to mix in the running game every so often. Their kicker also drilled a long FG against me.

With regards to campus legend, I read that there was a bug where the player changes skin color every game, or something to that effect. I don't know the whole deal on that though, as I don't care much about that part of the game. Other than that, I believe that part of the game is largely the same as it was last year.
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IronBuckI;1205785; said:
I am suffering from the same affliction. My only problem is that I haven't figured out whether I'm going to buy a PS3 (Blu-Ray, better familiarity, more expensive) or an Xbox (more games, less expensive, red ring of death) to go along with my game.

If you buy one of the newer manufactured 360's it has a new chipset that helps prevent the RROD because it uses less wattage. I'm on my 3rd 360 and this one so far, gets about half as "hot" as the other ones while playing for a long period of time.

Just thought I'd let you know
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mstevmac;1205850; said:
If you buy one of the newer manufactured 360's it has a new chipset that helps prevent the RROD because it uses less wattage. I'm on my 3rd 360 and this one so far, gets about half as "hot" as the other ones while playing for a long period of time.

Just thought I'd let you know

Don't listen to him... we need a 12th guy for the PS3 Dynasty :biggrin:
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Picked up my copy around 5 yesterday - game store up on Smoky Row was carrying them - played 2 games with my brother, 31 - 0 OSU at half before he quit on me. Second game froze in the 1st quarter, after that I turned it off for the night.
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I got DT Linder's rosters, and they seem to be working fine for me, no freezes. I'm going to go edit some players to see if anything happens. Wait 15-20 min because I am getting rid of Henton

If you want them go to the EA Locker and download them from me, 360 gamertag: TheBigSquadoosh

Note: I am in no way taking credit for these rosters
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mstevmac;1205931; said:
I got DT Linder's rosters, and they seem to be working fine for me, no freezes. I'm going to go edit some players to see if anything happens. Wait 15-20 min because I am getting rid of Henton/Gene

If you want them go to the EA Locker and download them from me, 360 gamertag: TheBigSquadoosh

Note: I am in no way taking credit for these rosters

Since his site is blocked at work, has he released the PS3 version? Or at least given out his PS Name so I can check his EA Locker tonight?
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I am not sure, last I heard they were still working on them but that was a few days ago. I'll look around at some forums to see if I can find anything out for you PS3 guys, and I'll post an update.
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A little about DT's rosters (From DT):

Now that you've made that statement it is kind of hard to follow-up on it. The PS3 rosters are created from the ground up. The Xbox 360 rosters are based off of "pastas" roster file. It isn't actually pastas file. He was sent the file by an EA Design Team member to host since they technically are not supposed to release rosters. Anyway, I figured out the problem with the rosters. It has to do with keeping Florida International from disappearing when you edit rosters. After several trial and error attempts I figured out how to keep teams from disappearing, which is different than the freeze issue which is fixed by editing the rosters offline.

It would help me if you let me know if you're having problems editing the rosters. I haven't had any problems and have made a ton of edits.

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