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Piney;1205942; said:
Did DT not release his XBOX360 gamertag until it was released? If I knew his PS tag then I can just grab them when they pop up.

I believe that is correct. He didn't release his GT until game was released, at least that I know of. I'm guessing his PS tag is the same as his 360 tag, EaRosters com (Make sure to include a space between the EaRosters and com). But I will look into this for you Piney
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mstevmac;1205947; said:
I believe that is correct. He didn't release his GT until game was released, at least that I know of. I'm guessing his PS tag is the same as his 360 tag, EaRosters com (Make sure to include a space between the EaRosters and com). But I will look into this for you Piney

So it will probable look like "EaRosters com"

I will double check when I get home, but thanks for the info. I will also probable tweak the roster a little to make sure Ohio State is right and any team in the PS3 Dynasty is right and then I will let everyone know they can use my rosters for PS3 like you are taking credit for the XBOX rosters. :wink:

Yeah, I know you gave DT credit and aren't taking any...
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Piney;1205953; said:
So it will probable look like "EaRosters com"

I will double check when I get home, but thanks for the info. I will also probable tweak the roster a little to make sure Ohio State is right and any team in the PS3 Dynasty is right and then I will let everyone know they can use my rosters for PS3 like you are taking credit for the XBOX rosters. :wink:

Yeah, I know you gave DT credit and aren't taking any...

:lol: Well, maybe I'll take partial credit once I change some guys around
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Picked it up at Gamestop at midnight last night. Before I went to bed I downloaded the rosters, set up the stadium sounds, and played one game vs scUM. They jumped out to a 14-0 lead after a breakdown in the secondary on their first drive and a fumble returned for a TD on my first drive. After that, I rolled on them. I ran Beanie about 25 times for over 125 yards and one TD. Boeckman threw 2 TD's and Pryor came in and threw for 2 himself. Can't remember the final score but it got ugly.

Played on AA with 6 minute quarters with default sliders and settings. scUM threw two picks, one was a user pick I jumped with Jenkins.

Overall I thought the gameplay was great. I still need to adjust the sliders/settings to get a more realistic game and stats. I like the fact that this year you can actually put some touch on passes and have a passing game. I only had one sack the entire game but managed to hit the qb several times in the game and knocked their starter out for a quarter.

Absolutely love the stadium sounds. I'm going to create a short version of the Battlecry though for after PATs and fieldgoals because when I'd kickoff, it would cut off the band and just sounded funny. :biggrin:
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mstevmac;1205931; said:
I got DT Linder's rosters, and they seem to be working fine for me, no freezes. I'm going to go edit some players to see if anything happens. Wait 15-20 min because I am getting rid of Henton

If you want them go to the EA Locker and download them from me, 360 gamertag: TheBigSquadoosh

Note: I am in no way taking credit for these rosters
When I try to download it, it says you may not have a roster uploaded.
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