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Shivvy77;1206918; said:
Maybe they should add "maxwell award " level :biggrin2:

Shivvy77;1206878; said:
However, I am more than a little disappointed in the gameplay. The passing game is incredibly easy. I am playing on All-American level with the CPU AI offense and defense sliders turned up to 60 % and it seems like i can complete any pass on any down any time I want. No one ever gets a hand on Boeckman and I almost never have to punt. On the above level I beat Virginia Tech in Blacksburg with Ohio State 38-6. Boeckman was 20-22 and the only incomplete passes were knocked down at the line of scrimmage.
Maybe you should be a team that isn't 99 in everything :tongue2:

Seriously, Ohio State is stacked in this game.. no other team compares.

Play on Heisman and adjust the sliders as needed.. it's awesome that OSU is so good in the game, but it kinda sucks because it's unfair to be them :(
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Seriously. I think OSU's pass protection is just off the charts. Maybe will start a dynasty with North Carolina in the ACC or maybe Arizona in the Pac-10 and try to compete with superior teams while building the program.

OSU is stacked and playing at Ohio Stadium is a huge home field advantage. It's not really fair.
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Shivvy77;1206997; said:
Seriously. I think OSU's pass protection is just off the charts. Maybe will start a dynasty with North Carolina in the ACC or maybe Arizona in the Pac-10 and try to compete with superior teams while building the program.

OSU is stacked and playing at Ohio Stadium is a huge home field advantage. It's not really fair.

Haha, probably not far from the truth in real life! :oh:
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osucollegebuck;1207165; said:
I've only got the chance to play a few "Play Now" games but why did they like make Beanie such a pansie in this game?!?!?!? 3 games and 3 game ending injuries, WTF!!!!!!!

Sounds like bad luck. In fact, you should throw your copy of the game away so as not to invite any bad injury karma for the real 2008 season.
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osucollegebuck;1207165; said:
I've only got the chance to play a few "Play Now" games but why did they like make Beanie such a pansie in this game?!?!?!? 3 games and 3 game ending injuries, WTF!!!!!!!

Shivvy77;1207184; said:
Sounds like bad luck. In fact, you should throw your copy of the game away so as not to invite any bad injury karma for the real 2008 season.

Just send it to me so I can ward off the evil spirits
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Piney;1206773; said:
So everyone knows by now that the rosters are FUBAR'd. While there is a decent roster out there for XBOX360 I have a question. I have searched a few message boards to find this answer but haven't seen it yet.

Has anyone tried an online dynasty yet? Us PS3 guys have to wait a bit to try, but since some 360 rosters are out there I was wondering if anyone has even tried it to see if it bombs out or not.

I did find this morning that the guy I downloaded rosters from last year is offering his rosters again, but he only has 29 teams complete as of this moment and he is only offering for download versus the EA Locker feature.

I almost just want to download the partial roster and just see if they would work for an Online Dynasty. But if someone has tried that already I don't want to repeat the work.

Damn this just sucks!

Vince and I are 7 weeks into a 2-person online dynasty, and we love it. I took Navy, he's SMU. It's very slick and well put together. I have a lot of complaints about the game this year, but I think they did an outstanding job with the this mode. Dynasty mode in general is just much more streamlined. Being able to reorder your draft board by rating, interest, or need with just a couple clicks is a huge deal, "quick call" saves a TON of time, so recruiting is definitely streamlined.

Anyway, we both have DT's rosters through mst, and (to get back to your actual question) they're working just fine in the dynasty.
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scooter1369;1207227; said:
Just send it to me so I can ward off the evil spirits

LOL by the way I only have changed the Buckeyes to the real players names because I'm waiting for NCAASTRATEGIES to work out the bugs as my ps3 isn't hooked up online yet. Can someone tell me who WR #8 is supposed to be? Right now I have him as Posey but they had his height way way off. Thanks
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osucollegebuck;1207511; said:
LOL by the way I only have changed the Buckeyes to the real players names because I'm waiting for NCAASTRATEGIES to work out the bugs as my ps3 isn't hooked up online yet. Can someone tell me who WR #8 is supposed to be? Right now I have him as Posey but they had his height way way off. Thanks

the 3 freshman wrs #s on the game

83 posey

11 stoneburner

8 Lamaar Thomas
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osucollegebuck;1207165; said:
I've only got the chance to play a few "Play Now" games but why did they like make Beanie such a pansie in this game?!?!?!? 3 games and 3 game ending injuries, WTF!!!!!!!

I played against USC last yesterday and Stefon Johnson got injured about 5 different times (all different injuries) in the game before finally going out on the last one. I was scared to death on the first play of the game, beanie went down. He was only out for a few more plays though.
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osucollegebuck;1207165; said:
I've only got the chance to play a few "Play Now" games but why did they like make Beanie such a pansie in this game?!?!?!? 3 games and 3 game ending injuries, WTF!!!!!!!
:lol: that sucks man.. Saine is pretty damn good though too.. Beanies stiff arm is sick in this game.

I played my 3rd game last night, haven't gotten past half-time yet in my other 2 games.

Played Penn State (wanted scUM but they suck in the game) on Heisman.

It was 21-3 at halftime, good guys. Beanie tore them up with 84 yards and 3 touchdowns while Boeckman went 20/22 passing for 135 yards and 0 tds. Pryor was 1/3 passing with 1 pick but had a couple carries for about 15 yards.. I like rolling him out of the pocket, great for 3rd downs. Saine had 4 carries for 21 yards, including a 15 yard run that ended with him diving over a defender (getting hit and "helicoptering") into the endzone.

The final score was 28-10 as PSU scored on the drive after their pick.

I'm going to play against USC in SoCal for my next game and hopefully I find a better challenge.. Ohio State is awesome in this game. Then I need to get used to the Rutgers for the online dynasty..
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CentralMOBuck;1207751; said:
I played against USC last yesterday and Stefon Johnson got injured about 5 different times (all different injuries) in the game before finally going out on the last one. I was scared to death on the first play of the game, beanie went down. He was only out for a few more plays though.
I started a dynasty using Kentucky so I could get the feel of the team, but I had to watch the tOSU-USC game. I set it to be CPU v CPU. Sanchez threw 7 picks (4-Laurinaitis, 2-Homan, 1-Freeman) to Boeckman's 4. Stafon Johnson got hurt at least 5 times, but it could have been more. Apparently Gable and not McKnight is Johnsons backup. Beanie got hurt twice. The second time he was knocked out of the game. With all of the turnovers (Laurinaitis also had a fumble recovery) the good guys ran away with the victory 37-6, after trailing 3-0 at the end of 1 and leading only 9-6 at the half. :oh::io::osu:
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