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I just pounded LSU online 24-6. The guy who used LSU had one good quarter (3rd), but I pretty much manhandled him the 1st, 2nd, and 4th quarters. Beanie got in on the goaline in the first, Jenkins got a pick 6 in the second, and Hartline caught a 61 yarder, broke 2 tackles and went to the endzone also in the second. All I got in the 4th was a field goal, but hey I only gave up two field goals all game!

Boeckman was 13/15 for 110 yards and 1 TD, and Beanie had 20 carries for 84 yards and 1 TD.
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Well down goes another SEC team pretty handily. 28-7 and it wasn't even close at any point of the game. Georgia started with the ball, but as they neared my 30 yard line Anderson Russell came up big with the pick (and actually held onto the ball this time! :biggrin:) Beanie then got into the end zone from 2 yards out.

The 2nd quarter, the dude showed some sense by running Moreno for a TD, but after some key catches by Nicol, especially one for 24 yards which put us on the goaline again, Beanie just pounded into the endzone. Halftime, 14-7.

Then into the third Beanie simply just took over, ripping off 9, 7, and 16 yard runs. A few plays later on 3rd and long, Hartline came up with the nice catch to extend the drive. Back to Beanie for a couple of runs and soon enough he's back into the endzone for his 3rd TD! Late in the 3rd, Georgia receives a major blow and probably the final nail in their coffin when Moreno gets injured and is out for the rest of the game. Laurinaitis laid the wood on him!

Into the 4th quarter, it again turned into the Beanie show as he ripped off a 12 yarder and constant 5 yard gains. But the biggest play came when Beanie caught a 37 yard screen pass down to the goaline and later punched it in for his 4th TD! Finally, in the last minute and a half, Georgia began to make a late push to cut the score down, but Jenkins picked him off on the 5 yard line and returned it out to the 33!

Overall, real hard to choose my 5 videos, and got lots of sweet photos!!

Boeckman was a perfect 12/12 for 181 yards no TD's, and the player of the game, Beanie got 114 yards of 25 carries and had all 4 TD's. Laurinaitis led the team with 7 tackles and 1 for a loss.
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I just beat the team up north with OSU 35-0 on my All American sliders. It plays more like a football game to me with them instead of the default. Not as many pick's, a little lower completion %, and the run game feels 10x's better.
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msj2487;1207861; said:
Well down goes another SEC team pretty handily. 28-7 and it wasn't even close at any point of the game. Georgia started with the ball, but as they neared my 30 yard line Anderson Russell came up big with the pick (and actually held onto the ball this time! :biggrin:) Beanie then got into the end zone from 2 yards out.

The 2nd quarter, the dude showed some sense by running Moreno for a TD, but after some key catches by Nicol, especially one for 24 yards which put us on the goaline again, Beanie just pounded into the endzone. Halftime, 14-7.

Then into the third Beanie simply just took over, ripping off 9, 7, and 16 yard runs. A few plays later on 3rd and long, Hartline came up with the nice catch to extend the drive. Back to Beanie for a couple of runs and soon enough he's back into the endzone for his 3rd TD! Late in the 3rd, Georgia receives a major blow and probably the final nail in their coffin when Moreno gets injured and is out for the rest of the game. Laurinaitis laid the wood on him!

Into the 4th quarter, it again turned into the Beanie show as he ripped off a 12 yarder and constant 5 yard gains. But the biggest play came when Beanie caught a 37 yard screen pass down to the goaline and later punched it in for his 4th TD! Finally, in the last minute and a half, Georgia began to make a late push to cut the score down, but Jenkins picked him off on the 5 yard line and returned it out to the 33!

Overall, real hard to choose my 5 videos, and got lots of sweet photos!!

Boeckman was a perfect 12/12 for 181 yards no TD's, and the player of the game, Beanie got 114 yards of 25 carries and had all 4 TD's. Laurinaitis led the team with 7 tackles and 1 for a loss.
You on the ps3? If so, we should do a scarlet & grey game tonight.. let me know
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So far the game seems to be way too easy....even in Heisman. A lot of interceptions. I tried to play USC in my dynasty last night but by half time there had already been 6 picks. I had 4 and the comp had 2. I just decided to quit the game cause it getting ridiculous. Seems like 90% of the interceptions get returned for TD's and 1/2 of my punt returns were getting returned. I got to find a better setup to make the games more realistic.
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Just beat some guy 59-24 OSU vs. TTU. Beanie DOMINATED steamrolling over his safeties left and right. He ended up with 25 carries 207 yards and 4TD's with a long run of 90 yards. Beanie is a BEAST in this game and I love it.
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Bleed S & G;1207875; said:
You on the ps3? If so, we should do a scarlet & grey game tonight.. let me know
Ya I'm a PS3 guy, but I'll be leaving to go out of town later tonight and then head to a midnight showing for Batman, so maybe sometime around 6PM if you get this by then or sometime Sunday maybe? My name on PS3 is OSUKickass47.

And wow I wanted to let everyone know this, the guy who's currently ranked #1 on the game has already played 66 games in just about 3 days time.... :sad2:
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You MUST adjust the sliders against the CPU, especially if you are playing as tOSU. 60% across the board for the CPU (except FG accuracy and distance) is a must if you play as any team ranked in the top 10. I turn the user's pass accuracy and pass protection down to 45% as well.
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msj2487;1208033; said:
Ya I'm a PS3 guy, but I'll be leaving to go out of town later tonight and then head to a midnight showing for Batman, so maybe sometime around 6PM if you get this by then or sometime Sunday maybe? My name on PS3 is OSUKickass47.

And wow I wanted to let everyone know this, the guy who's currently ranked #1 on the game has already played 66 games in just about 3 days time.... :sad2:
I'll be working until around 10 tonight..

Here's a link to PS3 Covers I just posted:
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