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Clarity;1206267; said:
Some of the ratings have been changed. Is that only true for OSU?

I didn't touch the ratings so DT must have done them. The only thing that I did change was make Petrey a little better and instead of Henton I made him into Pretorious.
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So everyone knows by now that the rosters are FUBAR'd. While there is a decent roster out there for XBOX360 I have a question. I have searched a few message boards to find this answer but haven't seen it yet.

Has anyone tried an online dynasty yet? Us PS3 guys have to wait a bit to try, but since some 360 rosters are out there I was wondering if anyone has even tried it to see if it bombs out or not.

I did find this morning that the guy I downloaded rosters from last year is offering his rosters again, but he only has 29 teams complete as of this moment and he is only offering for download versus the EA Locker feature.

I almost just want to download the partial roster and just see if they would work for an Online Dynasty. But if someone has tried that already I don't want to repeat the work.

Damn this just sucks!
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I picked up the game for the PS3 last night and had time to play just 2 games. I could not find the "QB Vision" on the 2009 version of the game. Am I not seeing the option somewhere or has the QB vision cone been removed from the new version?
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Got the game yesterday and I am really feeling the effects of playing 2007 for the past two years on PS2. It's going to take several games before I can get used to this control layout. I keep trying to sprint with the 'X' button and all I end up doing is stiff arming the air and running really slow, or throwing to my 'X' receiver when I'm actually trying to roll out. :smash:
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Shivvy77;1206816; said:
I picked up the game for the PS3 last night and had time to play just 2 games. I could not find the "QB Vision" on the 2009 version of the game. Am I not seeing the option somewhere or has the QB vision cone been removed from the new version?

It's been removed...the pump fake is now the right stick when you are the QB unfortunately. I loved the passing cone. :(
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Got the game yesterday and I am really feeling the effects of playing 2007 for the past two years on PS2. It's going to take several games before I can get used to this control layout. I keep trying to sprint with the 'X' button and all I end up doing is stiff arming the air and running really slow, or throwing to my 'X' receiver when I'm actually trying to roll out. :smash:
That's pretty much the reason why I never played 08. That and MLB The Show is so fucking badass.
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The 2009 games looks much great. The players, playing surfaces and sky/clouds look really sharp.

However, I am more than a little disappointed in the gameplay. The passing game is incredibly easy. I am playing on All-American level with the CPU AI offense and defense sliders turned up to 60 % and it seems like i can complete any pass on any down any time I want. No one ever gets a hand on Boeckman and I almost never have to punt. On the above level I beat Virginia Tech in Blacksburg with Ohio State 38-6. Boeckman was 20-22 and the only incomplete passes were knocked down at the line of scrimmage.

Maybe the OSU O-line is just overpowering but it seems that Boeckman can just stand in the pocket all day and wait for receivers to get open, who never drop passes.

Is the game this easy for the rest of you?
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NCAA 09 All-American Sliders I'm currently working with:

Offense (CPU in Parentheses)
QBAcc 50 (25)
PassBlk 50 (0)
WRCatch 50 (50)
RunAblty 60 (60)
RunBlk 60 (60)


Awareness 100 (65)
Knckdowns 65 (65)
INT's 25 (25)
BrkBlk 100 (50)
Tkling 50 (50)

Special Teams
Default except KickPwr 60 (60)

90 on everything

I have gotten much better games out of these sliders than default. QB accuracy has gone down and pressure on the QB's has gotten a little better. This will at least be good until a patch is released. Try them out and let me know what you think
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I have to figure something out with the sliders. Maybe I should just go to the heisman level. However, the heisman level on 2008 was ridiculously hard. There is too much of a gap between the all-american and heisman difficulty levels. Maybe they should add "maxwell award " level :biggrin2:
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