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OhioState49;634341; said:
I saw it on sportscenter last night. It was funny! It was crazy when he threw that guy over his head at the end of it. that guy must be hurting today! I wonder how much running both teams are going to do!
You know what would be even funnier? Duke beating Miami next week!:biggrin:
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OhioState49;634341; said:
I saw it on sportscenter last night. It was funny! It was crazy when he threw that guy over his head at the end of it. that guy must be hurting today! I wonder how much running both teams are going to do!

After hearing what Larry Cokehead had to say, probably no running.
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I forget the guys name who was called for PI against Gamble in the 02 championship game...but he was called for another one in this game and the announcers were referring back to the 02 call and how he has had a number of bad PI calls against him.

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scarletngray;634382; said:
I forget the guys name who was called for PI against Gamble in the 02 championship game...but he was called for another one in this game and the announcers were referring back to the 02 call and how he has had a number of bad PI calls against him.


How could that guy even be at Miami anymore?

2002-2005 is 4 years. If he was called for the PI in the 2002, it means he was a starter his freshman year, and would surely be gone by now.
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I will say that not all Cryami fans are having this "proud" reaction to the brawl. I work with a life long Hurricane fan (born and raised in the Miami area). We were both at work when we watched the fight last night and I can't tell you how embarressed he was... he even kept trying to get us to stop talking about it a number of times... Miami does have at least a dozen or so good fans :tongue2:

but the rest are trash.....
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OSUsushichic;634324; said:
Random quotes from Grassy:



some more....
-Since Coker has never scrapped before he has no idea how to react.


-I am a University of Miami Alumnus and I can not be prouder of how the Canes fought last night.

We finally stood up as a family last night. Hell to those who say we should have not have retaliated.
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LoKyBuckeye;634451; said:
some more....
The thing that is completely contradictory in all this is the persona of the the "U" team and the persona of the coach. What I mean by this is that teams do take on to a greater or lesser extent the demeanor of the head coach.
Examples from close to home.
OSU - Discipline, control, execution.
MSU - Shambolic, prone to lapses, error riddled plays.

Now call me naive, but Coker simply isn't a "thug" like character. Thus I have to conclude that his influence over this team is now effectively nil, at least when it comes to molding character. Someone else is running the asylum, if that is the players (patients) then this alone should be sufficient cause to oust Coker.

There was a report on ESPN just about a half hour back that detailed the change in public statements by Coker. The version cited by a reporter from the Miami area was thus:

At the time of the incident, and immediately after the game, Coker had not a full grasp of how bad things had been on the field of play. He was under the impression that all the UM players were pulling tussling players apart. Hence his remarks after the game about how this was a proud moment - what with all those orange clad players acting as traffic cops, saving the women and children and generally acting as Good Samaritans :tongue2:
Only after returning home did he get to really see the incident on film and then determined that this was an abomination. Hence this morning all the suspensions.

Cynics may alternatively suggest that someone high up in the administration at UM called Larry and told him that without firm, punitive and clear action, pretty damned soon, Cokie would be out the door. Of course it is remotely possible that he did not see the clear view from the sideline of the helmet swinging Miami player, nor the leg stomping and cleating that was going on.

As it is, there is scheduled an administrators meeting at UM tomorrow. On the agenda, Coker, UM, the fight, the consequences and other items that amount to a comprehensive performance review of the Cane football program. It is time to start a "death pool" on Coker at Miami vs Smith at MSU. Which is ousted first.

My money at this point is on Okie Cokie.
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sandgk;634468; said:
There was a report on ESPN just about a half hour back that detailed the change in public statements by Coker. The version cited by a reporter from the Miami area was thus:

At the time of the incident, and immediately after the game, Coker had not a full grasp of how bad things had been on the field of play. He was under the impression that all the UM players were pulling tussling players apart. Hence his remarks after the game about how this was a proud moment - what with all those orange clad players acting as traffic cops, saving the women and children and generally acting as Good Samaritans :tongue2:
Only after returning home did he get to really see the incident on film and then determined that this was an abomination. Hence this morning all the suspensions.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm. You can see his interview on http://www.sportsline.com/collegefootball as of right now. He says that at least three of the players are being suspended for just one game. He is responding to University, conference, and press pressure to do something.

I think this is the end of Coker at Miami and I am afraid that his future is every bit as bright as John Cooper's was when he lost control over his team. A team that I might add should not be compared for its lack of discipline in any way to what the University of Miami has experienced. In our worst days, and we have had some bad ones just like everyone else, we never looked like that team looked yesterday.

As someone said earlier, when I consider how our players responded to outright provocation and abuse at Iowa, I am ever more proud of The Ohio State Buckeyes.
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