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Streeter's QB and the future of that program is Jacory Harris.
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NFBuck;1040956; said:
God, it is glorious watching them descend below mediocrity.
One annoying Florida school down, two to go. I have the last Miami game in the Orange Bowl TiVoed, and now that I have a brand-new super-whamodyne whizbang computer with actual working DVD burner, that sucker will be burnt onto disk for all time. Primary reason is obviously because of the school on the winning end, not the losing end, but there's no denying the fantastic schadenfreude to be had.
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Miami hires Ohio AD Hocutt to replace Dee

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Kirby Hocutt was hired as Miami's athletic director Friday, replacing Paul Dee.

Hocutt was athletic director at Ohio University since 2005. The former Kansas State linebacker also spent six years in Oklahoma's athletic department, where he helped oversee a major fundraising campaign.
Dee, Miami's athletic director since 1993, announced plans to resign in May and is expected to join Miami's faculty on June 1. His time as AD was highlighted by the Hurricanes' 2001 national football championship, two national titles in baseball and the construction of Miami's $48 million campus basketball arena.
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