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scooter1369;1011164; said:
The Herald did what they had to do.

Any bets on whether Mr. Shannon spent time in Ms. Shalala's office today?

You honestly think she didn't know what he was like before this article? She may dress him down for PC's sake but when you employ someone like that to be a molder of young men in an institution of higher learning you are 100% responsible for whatever trouble he brings on you.

Retract whatever they want, it doesn't change what was said or the insight that gives us into his charachter.
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Miami Herald said:
UPDATE: I realize some of our readers have sent emails regarding a portion of this interview that was deleted this morning by my editors. Personally, I do not practice the habit of going back and taking back anything that was said in a Q&A. But coach Shannon's comments about former Florida Gator Walter Odom being shot and killed on campus at the University of Florida were incorrect. He also made several comments about crime at other schools, including Ohio State. Since, he was generalizing and not necessarily being accurate with his quote, The Herald has decided to take that portion of the interview down too. We pride ourselves on being an accurate and reliable source for news and insight. And we're not going to publish false or unsubstantiated statements. We apologize for not making the necessary changes sooner. There will be a correction.
Um, bullshit.

The quotes from Shannon were "accurate and reliable" - he did say those things in the interview, even if the statements themselves were "false or unsubstantiated". The Herald originally reported the news correctly, and now they are being "inaccurate and unreliable" because they have purged Shannon's quotes.

In other words, the "news" is what Shannon actually said. His statements were "newsworthy" regardless of whether those statements standing alone were "accurate and reliable" or "false or unsubstantiated". When the Herald edited out Shannon's objectionable statements, they essentially manufactured the news to suit their own agenda, and to Hell with journalistic integrity.

Congrats to Coach Shannon for taking coaching to a new low, and props to the Miami Herald for taking journalism to a new low in order to protect Shannon. :shake:
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LordJeffBuck;1011222; said:
Um, bullshit.

The quotes from Shannon were "accurate and reliable" - he did say those things in the interview, even if the statements themselves were "false or unsubstantiated". The Herald originally reported the news correctly, and now they are being "inaccurate and unreliable" because they have purged Shannon's quotes.

In other words, the "news" is what Shannon actually said. His statements were "newsworthy" regardless of whether those statements standing alone were "accurate and reliable" or "false or unsubstantiated". When the Herald edited out Shannon's objectionable statements, they essentially manufactured the news to suit their own agenda, and to Hell with journalistic integrity.

Congrats to Coach Shannon for taking coaching to a new low, and props to the Miami Herald for taking journalism to a new low in order to protect Shannon. :shake:

I am not trying to stick up for the Herald but I belive they are trying to say they are not interested in posting Shannon's lies and misinformation. Props to them I guess but maybe a better thing to do was to start up a story about the new coach of Thug U is batshit crazy and a lair.
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scooter1369;1011164; said:
The Herald did what they had to do.
I disagree. Shannon's quotes should be preserved and the disclaimer added to the article/interview. He should have to own up to his statements. Luckily, nothing on the internet ever really goes away. So the Herald can delete all they want to try to cover for scUM South, but those quotes are out there now and won't go away.
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Palpie;1011273; said:
I disagree. Shannon's quotes should be preserved and the disclaimer added to the article/interview. He should have to own up to his statements. Luckily, nothing on the internet ever really goes away. So the Herald can delete all they want to try to cover for scUM South, but those quotes are out there now and won't go away.

TSUN has way more class than the U. they are not even in the same league.
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Lockup;1011267; said:
I am not trying to stick up for the Herald but I belive they are trying to say they are not interested in posting Shannon's lies and misinformation. Props to them I guess but maybe a better thing to do was to start up a story about the new coach of Thug U is batshit crazy and a lair.
Then they should have spiked the entire interview ... after doing their own due diligence, which of course they failed to do.
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LordJeffBuck;1011281; said:
Then they should have spiked the entire interview ... after doing their own due diligence, which of course they failed to do.

The way I understand it, this was a blog piece. Kind of a gray area to be sure (especially when such blogs are wholly owned, endorsed and operated by a news agency ... even more so when the blogger is a paid staff writer at the news agency), but it doesn't fall under the same level of scrutiny required for real new stories. Secondly, this was basically a transcript of a verbal interview. Sounds to me like the blogger was fully willing to leave the unedited version/transcript published but the editors at the Herald let him know who was in control and made the edits. I can NOT for the life of me understand why. This IS news and even though it started in the realm of a blog, the Herald should pick this up and run it as hard news. (IF it is indeed an accurate transcript).
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3yardsandacloud;1011341; said:
The way I understand it, this was a blog piece. Kind of a gray area to be sure (especially when such blogs are wholly owned, endorsed and operated by a news agency ... even more so when the blogger is a paid staff writer at the news agency), but it doesn't fall under the same level of scrutiny required for real new stories. Secondly, this was basically a transcript of a verbal interview. Sounds to me like the blogger was fully willing to leave the unedited version/transcript published but the editors at the Herald let him know who was in control and made the edits. I can NOT for the life of me understand why. This IS news and even though it started in the realm of a blog, the Herald should pick this up and run it as hard news. (IF it is indeed an accurate transcript).

Two reasons why I think the editors would want it down.

1. They have no intention of causing trouble for the U. Let's face it they look bad enough already.

2. They were tired of the emails and phone calls from people calling them out for printing the lies and for slamming other schools.

Either way they were chicken shit to leave it up.
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Here is an e-mail response someone from the ohio state scout.com site received.

From: Pray, Mark W. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 10:42 AM
Subject: RE: Randy Shannon's Comments to Miami Herald

Mr. xxxxxxx,

On his weekly radio show last night, Coach Shannon issued an apology to OSU and Florida for his remarks. He acknowledged that, in making the point that what may or may not happen at UM is no different than at other schools, he erred in mentioning specific universities. His intent was not to single out any school. He has also spoken with Coach Tressel and we have been in contact with Florida as well. Thanks for your e-mail.

Mark Pray
Assistant AD/Communications
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QB Freeman requests release from scholarship - 12/28/2007 - MiamiHerald.com

Kirby Freeman plans to leave UM, meaning the Canes would have no experienced quarterbacks next season.

Posted on Fri, Dec. 28, 2007
[email protected]

The University of Miami will begin next season without any quarterbacks who have thrown a pass in a college football game.

Kirby Freeman, the only returning veteran from the Hurricanes' 5-7 season, has requested a release from his scholarship, according to multiple UM sources, and is looking to possibly transfer to a school closer to home in Texas. He is expected to be granted the release.

Freeman and his father did not return phone calls and could not be reached for comment.

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