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BGriffBuckeye;1010293; said:
Thought this was teh PERFECT place for this...

From a Miami Herald interview, which touches on the impact of Taylor's death on recruiting:

So, needless to say, I USED to have respect for Randy Shannon for all that he has gone through growing up and all and becoming a head coach... but NOT NOW! What do you all think of this? Shannon hasn't a clue of what he is talking about. Miami had to implement its own gun law for crying out loud!! Do you see that at Ohio State? Um, no.

Sounds like Randy is all mixed up. Doesn't know his shit from his shinola.

Why am I using lines paraphrased from the Jerk?

Because only a Jerk could look deadeye at the wrong target and then try to hit a bullseye.

I wonder what the Florida fans (let alone FSU fanbase) had to say about that interview?

Frankly, as I think about the whole thing, this a decided low for ANY college Head Coach, ANYWHERE. Expresses himself poorly, spouts half-truths and complete lies in place of answers.

Shannon - a suitable case for treatment. :shake:
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Anyone who hasn't read that whole mess needs to. That guy is nuckin futs.

I mean, have we had players that shoot another player? That happened at another college. Have we had players that walk around campus with an AK-47 and then are allowed back on the team? That?s happened at maybe 10 schools I know right now.

I thought this was the best one to show just how completely far from reality this guy operates untill I saw this one.

Q: How do you guys check on students to make sure they don't have guns?
A: We don?t. All I know is don?t get caught with one. I don?t care if its in your truck. I don?t care if it?s in your mom?s house. I don?t care if its your house or your friends house. If you have it and the police find you or arrest you with it, that?s it. You?re done. You?re done with the team. You can?t come back. And its more of a safety valve for me because a lot of players on the team have kids and if you have a kid walk around or whatever and the kid picks up the gun, you know what happens - bad things happen.

So essentially I don't care if you have a gun, just don't get caught with it.


Just when you think that school couldn't get any more disgusting.
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BGriffBuckeye;1010293; said:
Thought this was teh PERFECT place for this...

From a Miami Herald interview, which touches on the impact of Taylor's death on recruiting:

So, needless to say, I USED to have respect for Randy Shannon for all that he has gone through growing up and all and becoming a head coach... but NOT NOW! What do you all think of this? Shannon hasn't a clue of what he is talking about. Miami had to implement its own gun law for crying out loud!! Do you see that at Ohio State? Um, no.
When were the "bar fights" he's refering to?:roll1:
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I think Shannon has been misquoted here, what he really meant to say was:

"You know what, I have no idea how to answer that question because I'm a stupid cocksucker. I suck cock for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and since noon is rolling around I'm more interested in thinking about where my next cock is coming from instead of your stupid question, but I'll try anyway.

Sean Taylors murder is indeed a sad situation, but since Sean left here 4 years ago I really don't care what happened to him. All I really know about Sean Taylor is that if that stupid asshole knew how to cover up a football after an interception that my Hurricanes would have beaten Ohio State without ever going to overtime, and that really pisses me off so I think I'll rip on Ohio State because I'm too idiotic to come up with a better line of persuasion to talk to recruits about why they should come here."

Or something along those lines. Peace.
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Q: But when [The Herald] puts out a big box like we did today[listing UM tragedies], it probaly doesn't help?

A: The problem is your putting out things about all these deaths, but what deaths have really occurred on Miami campus besides one? Think about that? How many deaths have occurred on Virginia Tech campus? How many deaths have occurred on Arizona State campus? How many deaths have occurred on Florida or Florida State?s campus? But you guys put it like it happened on campus and your not giving the university a fair chance because you put it as campus and not something that happened off and I think that?s the biggest problem.

Wow. I absolutely cannot believe that he just said that. Forget all the ridiculous untruths he stated about Ohio State, it all pales in comparison to mocking VT for the tradegy that occurred there.
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BengalsAndBucks;1010582; said:
Wow. I absolutely cannot believe that he just said that. Forget all the ridiculous untruths he stated about Ohio State, it all pales in comparison to mocking VT for the tradegy that occurred there.

This is just truly shocking. Miami's own people should be calling for this guys head. This guy is either the "worst" or "best" interview anyone has ever heard in their life, depending on whether they believe in God, or worship the devil.

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I'm going to get reamed for this post - and I'm not defending Shannon's idiotic reach/deflect quote - but the whole title of this thread is wrong. I subscribe to the Tressel approach (forgive my paraphrase) - when you have a very large group of kids, some will get into trouble... the title thuggery (debated in the NBA thread) implies that there is something to college football that is different than idiot high school boys (all HS boys are retarded to some degree - I have coached and taught) or any other group of young guys. Everytime I get in a big group of my HS friends there are fights and other idiocy (and we're 10 years out of HS)...

The Taylor incident has nothing to do with "thuggery" at Miami or OSU or anywhere else. And it has nothing at all to do with Randy Shannon. Someone committed murder and the Dade County police don't know who. A teammate, father and son is lost for no apparent reason.
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[quote='BusNative;101060;2]I'm going to get reamed for this post - and I'm not defending Shannon's idiotic reach/deflect quote - but the whole title of this thread is wrong. I subscribe to the Tressel approach (forgive my paraphrase) - when you have a very large group of kids, some will get into trouble... the title thuggery (debated in the NBA thread) implies that there is something to college football that is different than idiot high school boys (all HS boys are retarded to some degree - I have coached and taught) or any other group of young guys. Everytime I get in a big group of my HS friends there are fights and other idiocy (and we're 10 years out of HS)...

The Taylor incident has nothing to do with "thuggery" at Miami or OSU or anywhere else. And it has nothing at all to do with Randy Shannon. Someone committed murder and the Dade County police don't know who. A teammate, father and son is lost for no apparent reason.[/quote]

This thread wasn't started about Sean Taylor. I agree with the fact that Sean Taylor went to Da U had very little with him getting murdered, and that it was a senseless and tragic act.

The thread was started and is all about the fact that Miami always has been a school that will allow anyone to play football for them, regardless of the fact that they are nothing more than glorified criminals. See Willie Williams, or more recently the FIU incident last year.
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