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Dennis Dodd's blog has some parting gifts for AD Paul Dee.


A sad goodbye to Miami athletic director Paul Dee who is stepping down next year.

OK, maybe not.

My lasting impression of Dee is him closing the lockerroom door in my face after last year's Labor Day loss to Florida State. Dee got into a snit -- apparently he does this a lot after losses -- because his team lost. He cleared the locker room of media only a half hour after the game ended.

There is a big difference between mad and being mad and acting like a child. Aside from Dee's lack of professionalism, we (the media) were forced to park in a muddy lot across the street from the stadium. There was no room, we were told, inside the fence that surrounds the Orange Bowl itself.

The antiquated Orange Bowl press box was equipped with four land lines for a contingent of national media that is used to, and deserves, a wireless set-up. The ACC was notified by the Football Writers Association of America. Wireless was installed in the press box for the next game.

In case you forgot:
http://sportsline.com/collegefootball/story/9638869 ...
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cincibuck;837990; said:
Yeah. All that coverage sells papers, but it also sells football tickets. It's symbiotic relationship, good for the schools and good for the papers. What is being described in BB73's post is a complete lack of professionalism.
I agree 100% but Dodd comes off as if he's entitled something, and i can remember a time when having the media on campus was not good for us here.. and if that was the last game of the year im sure the AD had read/heard somethings in the media about the program he wasn't too fond of.
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Bleed S & G;838019; said:
I agree 100% but Dodd comes off as if he's entitled something, and i can remember a time when having the media on campus was not good for us here.. and if that was the last game of the year im sure the AD had read/heard somethings in the media about the program he wasn't too fond of.

Dodd's a dick and a fool. You screw around with the media and it will come back and bite you in the ass.

I often think that Woody would have been better off if he hadn't had the local media in his back pocket. Paul Hornung bending over backwards to kiss his ass every day meant he could run the program exactly the way he wanted to. I think that in the long run it contributed to a thought on his part that he should have been treated with kid gloves by all the media and when that wasn't the case he blew up making stories apopear where none had been before.
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BB73;837938; said:
Dennis Dodd's blog has some parting gifts for AD Paul Dee.


I really dislike the Miami program but put that aside and by golly I think Dodd has a point :stupid: .

I mean, who can afford a cellular telephone these days and, gosh, PC to cell communications are light years away! :hatepc:

And how can scUM south be so insensitive? How can Dodd be expected to win his Pulitzer Prize if he can't sit around the locker room while the players shower and goad someone into saying something he can publish to stir crap?

I mean, what does he think his job is supposed to be, to do research and report with insight?:confused:

Dee should have known better, that is not what Dodd's job is. :roll1:
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The No-Name Canes

miami herald
In an another move in what I like to call Randy Shannon's attempt at Unifying The U, UM's new coach told our Susan Miller Degnan on Monday his team's uniforms this coming season will not include last names.

other changes:

1. if caught with gun, off team and dismissed from school.
2. if gpa under 2.5, must live on campus.
3. if off campus and gpa falls under 2.5, must move back on campus.
4. if caught with cell phone in class, all players in same class lose cell phones for 2 weeks.
5. if skip class, extra conditioning and depth chart demotion.
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finally, less thuggery at "Da U"

I know they were trying to build unity in Miami but this is a little extreme and obviously a bad choice of words

"When asked about Cooper in the spring, Shannon said: "I think Coop did a great job. He brought some some excitement to the team. And he's a calm guy. He's not an arrogant or flamboyant guy." It was going well, then coach goofed. "Belive it or not, he and Javarris James are kind of like butt buddies."

Eye on the U

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