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billmac91;896974; said:
finally, less thuggery at "Da U"

I know they were trying to build unity in Miami but this is a little extreme and obviously a bad choice of words

"When asked about Cooper in the spring, Shannon said: "I think Coop did a great job. He brought some some excitement to the team. And he's a calm guy. He's not an arrogant or flamboyant guy." It was going well, then coach goofed. "Belive it or not, he and Javarris James are kind of like butt buddies."

Eye on the U

I guess the thread should be renamed to "Miami Buggery"?
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It won't happen again ...

They hope ..


CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) -- Nearly a year later, Chris Smith still wonders how it happened.
The former Florida International player doesn't know why he threw Miami's Matt Perrelli to the turf and punched him to help spark one of the worst on-field brawls in college football history. Or why dozens of others started fighting as well. Or why some swung helmets and crutches as weapons.
Smith watched the replays that night in his room in sheer disbelief, then looked at the ceiling and sobbed. He spent the rest of the weekend in solitude, trying to figure what went wrong. He's still pondering that one.
"I remember thinking it would be a slight confrontation," said Smith, whose college career ended that night; he was kicked off FIU's team two days later. "And before I knew it, everything just happened. I was like, whoa! This thing got way out of hand."
In all, 31 players -- 18 from FIU, 13 from Miami -- were sanctioned for the fight, which marred the first meeting between the programs separated by 9 miles in South Florida. Most of those 31 players will be in uniform Saturday, when the teams meet again at the Orange Bowl. Both teams have made the same vow: Another fight cannot, and will not, happen.
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Even The Miami Recruits Are Calling Out Present Players at the "U" - FanHouse - AOL Sports Blog

On Tuesday, UM players reacted angrily to comments by Seffner Armwood High offensive tackle Matt Patchan, whose father played for UM. But UM oral commitment Marcus Forston of Miami Northwestern and UM target Brandon Harris of Miami Booker T. Washington said in phone interviews that Patchan's comments were dead-on.

Patchan, who attended UM's 48-0 loss to Virginia, told canesport.com that 'there's too many guys that it doesn't bother them that they lost the game. There's too many guys now at the U that [say], `It's OK we lost. Well, what am I going to do tonight?' Like it doesn't mean anything. They need to get rid of those types of guys.''

Ouch! :lol:
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Thought this was teh PERFECT place for this...

From a Miami Herald interview, which touches on the impact of Taylor's death on recruiting:

Q: Obviously, though, there are kids that live off campus. What do you tell parents about that?
A: We show them the neighborhoods. Everybody else in the country lives off campus and they still have the same problems. But their newspaper don?t beat them up about it. Like our newspaper beats us up about it. I know you guys are doing your job, you got to beat us up about it. But then understand we just want a fair shot. At Ohio State, do you realize you had more things happen at Ohio State more than anything. You think we?ve been bad? Go check out Ohio State, guys who have been arrested, bar fights. Look at everything at Ohio State and you?d think the University of Miami was angels. Florida, the same. There?s going to be two guys let back on that team because of a gun charges and one who unloaded it in a club. What would happen if I do that?

So, needless to say, I USED to have respect for Randy Shannon for all that he has gone through growing up and all and becoming a head coach... but NOT NOW! What do you all think of this? Shannon hasn't a clue of what he is talking about. Miami had to implement its own gun law for crying out loud!! Do you see that at Ohio State? Um, no.
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