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...I went to a bench clearing brawl and a Miami Hurricane football game broke out.:slappy:

Seriously, If that announcer douchebag (Lamar Thomas) still has a job after running his mouth like that, there is no justice(see Steve Lyons story). That guy has to be the biggest piece of trash I've ever heard in the announce booth, and thats saying something.
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I know its been posted a lot by other posters but, I still can't believe the miami players dancing around like that on the field after the fight was brokened up. It looked like the detroit taliban celebrating in DEARBORN after they hear about USA SOLDIER KILLED IN IRAQ.:(

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October 16, 2006

After reviewing a sideline-clearing brawl between players from Miami and Florida International, officials from both schools and their conferences yesterday announced the suspension of 31 players ? 13 from the Hurricanes, and 18 from FIU. Each suspended player must sit out his team's next game for taking part in the ugly melee that marred the team's Saturday matchup. Miami plays at Duke on Saturday, FIU plays at Alabama Oct. 28.
More sanctions are still possible, school officials said.

?These suspensions send a clear and definitive message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated,? said Atlantic Coast Conference Commissioner John Swofford.
The ACC and Miami (4-2) suspended Carlos Armour, Chris Barney, James Bryant, Tyrone Byrd, DajLeon Farr, Ryan Hill, Bruce Johnson, Charlie Jones, Brandon Meriweather, Brian Monroe, Derrick Morse, Randy Phillips and Anthony Reddick.
?I don't have many bad days,? Miami coach Larry Coker said before the suspensions were announced. ?This is a bad day. And last night was a bad night.?
Officials from the Sun Belt Conference and FIU (0-7) suspended Michael Alls, Scott Bryant, Roland Clark, Michael Dominquez, John Ellis, Cory Fleming, Reginald Jones, Marshall McDuffie Jr., Robert Mitchell, Quintin Newman, Luis Pena, Jarvis Penerton, Julian Reams, Lionell Singleton, Chris Smith, Samuel Smith, Mannie Wellington and Chandler Williams.
There were many instances of heated words being exchanged during ? and even before ? the game. But shortly after halftime, unsportsmanlike turned into unruly.
Bryant pointed at the FIU bench and bowed to the crowd after catching a touchdown pass with 9 minutes left in the third quarter. Moments later, FIU's Chris Smith wrestled Miami holder Matt Perrelli to the ground and punched him. McDuffie kicked Perrelli in the helmet. Morse jumped onto the Smith-Perrelli pile, Singleton followed and tried to punch the Hurricanes' Calais Campbell ? and benches began to empty.
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NFBuck;634580; said:
...I went to a bench clearing brawl and a Miami Hurricane football game broke out.:slappy:

Seriously, If that announcer douchebag (Lamar Thomas) still has a job after running his mouth like that, there is no justice(see Steve Lyons story). That guy has to be the biggest piece of trash I've ever heard in the announce booth, and thats saying something.

bingo. They played that on mike@mike and golic was going to town on Lamar thomas The other mike sounded like a pussy playing down how Lamar sounded.Which, he sounded like a ghetto rat bitching about to many crack houses in his area of business when he should have the only one. I can't believe he's even on TV. He kept saying he might go down there to help the miami players and kept Saying if players from another school come in our house they should take the pounding they deserve or get beat downed.

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Oh8ch;634895; said:
Because it was on TV and there was money to be made.


However, what if the game were ended at the point of the fight and the respective schools would have had to return a percentage of the revenue earned from the game equal to the percentage of the game that wasn't played due to the criminal behavior?
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A one-game suspension is rubbish. Think about the suspensions others have received for far less serious offenses. Someone could have been serverely injured or even killed in that melee, as the posse began swinging their bloody helmets at one another.

I love the statement by the ACC and the UM, "more sanctions are still possible." Politician speak for, "if this still stays in the press, we'll do what we are supposed to do, but otherwise we want the bucks from a possible bowl game."

Well done, Tidybowl U. You are the morally weakest link.
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Ragin' Cajun Blog

CajunBlog by Dan McDonald
The more you look, the uglier it gets
Dan McDonald
[email protected]

It wasn’t the kind of publicity that the Sun Belt Conference needed.
On a day when Arkansas State took a big win over Miami, and after a week where Sun Belt administrators pitched in with Habitat for Humanity, sports fans across the country who barely know the league forged opinions after Florida International and Miami were involved in an ugly melee Saturday night.
Miami took a 35-0 win over the Golden Panthers, but nobody remembers the score. Everybody remembers the video of FIU’s Chris Smith and Marshall McDuffie punching and kicking Miami kick holder Matt Perrelli, Miami’s Brandon Meriweather stomping on an FIU player, UM’s Anthony Reddick hitting a Panther player with his helmet and an FIU player swinging a crutch at several Hurricanes.

The longer you look, the more disgraceful actions you see.

The fight’s over and the suspensions are mounting. Thirteen players were tossed from the game (eight FIU, five UM), Miami coach Larry Coker suspended three more on Sunday and FIU coach Don Strock will follow shortly with more. The Sun Belt and the ACC will get their say beginning Monday.

Nobody’s naive enough to think the fight just spontaneously broke out on an extra point. There were exchanges, words and unsportsmanlike actions almost from the opening kickoff, but Miami’s Anthony Bryant stoked the fire when he pointed at the FIU bench and bowed to the crowd after a third-quarter touchdown catch.

There’s no room for this anywhere in college athletics. All NCAA sports have stringent rules for fighting, some of them including mandatory suspensions just for leaving a bench area. Perhaps that’s what’s needed here. If neither team can field a team next weekend, it sends a pretty good message to the nation and to other teams.

By the way, television analyst Lamar Thomas, a former Miami and NFL player working the game for Comcast Sports Southeast, should never be allowed in a college football broadcast booth again. His squeals of glee and statements about going to the field and joining the brawl sends the worst possible message about the college game.

Condoning those activities, in this case, may be worse than the activities themselves.
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The Toledo Blade reported this am that a total of 31 players have been suspended for one game . 13 from Miami and 18 from FI.

One game???????????????????? That brawl should be an ncaa violation all by itself.

The NFL gave five for just two stomps.

"I do have a grip on this program," Coker said. "Don't ever doubt that. Don't ever doubt that."
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