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But seriously, 1 game? So, Troy Smith takes $500 and gets suspended for the bowl game and season opener but kicking someone on the ground and throwing your helmet around only gets you a one game suspension? Talk about bullshit.

Someone please just burn "the O.B" down. It's a shithole filled with thugs.
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Join-a-Team, Not-a-Gang

...or join both.

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Reddick, who was using his helmet as a weapon, is suspended indefinitely, which probably means he won't return. (Ryan Moore, who was suspended indefinitely at the outset of the season, has been summarily dismissed from the team.)

Meriweather, who was doing the stomping, will probably be suspended indefinitely as well...
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damn! watching these youtube videos continues to fuel the disdain that i have for thug u and their fans:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ga3e-tGy...ane fiu brawl thugs canes ejection fight slam
http://youtube.com/watch?v=y8Ty0PVE...ane fiu brawl thugs canes ejection fight slam

then this one makes me laugh at them again:

these videos are precisely why a major overhaul of the program must occur. it's one thing to have a fight on the field; it's quite another to have the fans revel in it.

edit: only 13 (13?!?) miami players have been suspended? that's a joke.
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i was actually getting seriously pissed while watching the first three. i almost had to stop the videos. especially after watching those, i have absolutely no respect at all for that program and its fans. none. true, i wasn't enamored before, but i still respected the fact that they sent so many players to the nfl. now? it's just a dirty pro fball mill that will take any player, regardless of character.
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lvbuckeye;635440; said:
FIU has suspended 16 players indefinitely and kicked two off the team.

Miami has suspended 12 players for ONE FUCKING GAME, and suspened one indefinitely...

Somewhere on a Cane board this is likely being rationalized as "FIU needed to free up scholarships for the next round of recruiting."
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Best Buckeye;635447; said:
I liked the part where the play by play guy said they should take it up again after the game
that would be Lamar Thomas, erstwhile Cane, NFL reject, and felon, convicted of battery for kicking his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach, who subsequently broke his parole, and who was also indicted in the Pell Grant scandal that brought about Miami's probation in the '90s...
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lvbuckeye;635452; said:
that would be Lamar Thomas, erstwhile Cane, NFL reject, and felon, convicted of battery for kicking his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach, who subsequently broke his parole, and who was also indicted in the Pell Grant scandal that brought about Miami's probation in the '90s...
Well heck now we know why he wanted to get into it later. He felt left out!
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Canes analyst Thomas fired for comments during brawl

-- Lamar Thomas, the former Miami Hurricanes wide receiver who is now a television analyst for team, told the Palm Beach Post Monday that he has been fired from his job because of controversial comments made during Saturday's in-game brawl between Miami and Florida International.

"They decided not to continue with my contract because there's so much heat going on right now," Thomas, who played for Miami from 1989 to 1992, told the paper. "I told him, 'You know what, Mr. Fuhrman, I appreciate everything you've done for me.'"

"We were disappointed in the incident that happened on the field and regret the way it was handled in the broadcast booth," CSS general manager Mark Fuhrman told the Associated Press. "We do not support or condone the inappropriate comments made by color analyst Lamar Thomas and have taken the necessary steps to prevent a similar situation from ever occurring again."

Thomas made his comments as dozens of Miami and FIU players stormed the Orange Bowl field and fought during the third quarter of their teams' game Saturday night, an incident that led to the suspension of at least 31 players and forced officials from both schools to publicly apologize for the melee.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about," Thomas said as the brawl raged out of control. "You come into our house, you should get your behind kicked. You don't come into the OB playing that stuff. You're across the ocean over there. You're across the city. You can't come over to our place talking noise like that. You'll get your butt beat. I was about to go down the elevator to get in that thing."

Monday, on the Dan Patrick Show on ESPN Radio, Thomas said he got caught up in the moment as a former Miami player.

"Anybody who knows me knows I played the game of football with my heart on my sleeve," Thomas said. "Unfortunately for me during the fight I got a little hyped up. In no way do I condone fighting."

Miami and Florida International have campuses 9 miles apart in Miami-Dade County. It was the first meeting between the two programs, and the Hurricanes went on to win 35-0.

As the fight slowed, Thomas' comments continued.

"I say, why don't they just meet outside in the tunnel after the ball game and get it on some more? You don't come into the OB, baby," Thomas said. "We've had a down couple years but you don't come in here talking smack. Not in our house."

A tape of the fight, including Thomas' comments, was available on the Internet on Sunday and Monday. The game was available for viewing Saturday night on a pay-per-view basis.

"We do not support or condone any of the comments that were made by Lamar," Fuhrman said after the incident.

The comments will be edited out before the game is replayed later this week.

Thomas was a third-round draft pick of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1993 and spent six seasons in the NFL, three with the Bucs and three with the Miami Dolphins.

He has a Gainesville address, but there was no listed telephone number for him in that area. He could not be reached Monday.

Fuhrman said CSS consulted with Miami officials before determining what action needed to be taken. Miami recommends on-air personnel for its broadcasts, Fuhrman said.
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