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osugrad21;633962; said:
Lamar Thomas....we didn't forget about you. Shut the hell up and hold onto the ball son...


One of my two all-time favorite non-OSU plays in the history of college football!
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I don't care at all what that poopy-pants Cowherd has to say. I know that something like that is inexcusable, and I don't need Mr. "I know more about sports than any of you" to explain it 17-30 times.
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Zurp;634998; said:
I don't care at all what that poopy-pants Cowherd has to say. I know that something like that is inexcusable, and I don't need Mr. "I know more about sports than any of you" to explain it 17-30 times.

Haha that's what I like about Cowherd. He goes about like he's all-knowing and super arrogant. But that's all part of the act and the show. It's what I like about his show more than any others, he's pretty close minded and super arrogant. It's funny... and it's all an act. He laughs at himselves from time to time and laughs about people who call and complain about him, they don't get that it's an act.

Makes for good radio, I love his show.
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Adam Locked;635030; said:
Haha that's what I like about Cowherd. He goes about like he's all-knowing and super arrogant. But that's all part of the act and the show. It's what I like about his show more than any others, he's pretty close minded and super arrogant. It's funny... and it's all an act. He laughs at himselves from time to time and laughs about people who call and complain about him, they don't get that it's an act.

Makes for good radio, I love his show.

I don't dis-like the show. It's usually the best thing I can find on the radio. But when I turn it on, I always think, "Let's see what stupid things he has to say, today."
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Miami's Coker should lose job after brawl

Michael Rosenberg / Special to FOXSports.com
Posted: 49 minutes ago

Larry Coker said he doesn't have many bad days, and this was a bad day. It should also be one of his last days as head football coach at the University of Miami.
If you haven't seen the brawl between Coker's Hurricanes and Florida International, you are missing mayhem seldom seen in American sport. Vince McMahon must be jealous. This was the XFL on amphetamines. Photo gallery ...
Miami Melee

When South Carolina and Clemson brawled in their annual rivalry game, the schools did the admirable thing and banned themselves from bowl competition that year. The Miami-FIU brawl made South Carolina-Clemson look like a thumb-wrestling match. Helmets were removed and used as weapons. Players tried to perform surgery with their cleats.
Frankly, it would be understandable if Miami wanted to cancel the rest of the season. But that wouldn't be fair to the Hurricanes' remaining opponents.
People can argue about who is more at fault here, FIU or Miami. But that's like asking whether a fire was started more by gasoline or a match. I have never seen a one-team brawl.
These are the same Hurricanes who got into a big scuffle after a bowl loss to Louisiana State and who stomped on the Louisville Cardinal logo at midfield before a game. The Hurricanes can't claim the high road now.
The culture around the Miami football program is one that embraces thuggery and excessive bravado. Coker didn't create it, but he has allowed it to fester. He recruited and coached every player on this roster. And what we saw Saturday was a group of players who had no respect for the fact that they represent their school ? and no worries about repercussions from their coach.
(And if you want to say a lot of this applies to Don Strock's FIU squad, too ... well, no argument there.)

Apologists can defend stomping on a logo as "just kids being kids" or say that Coker had good intentions when he signed linebacker Willie Williams, who had been arrested 11 times before entering college. But the brawl is indefensible. And it makes you realize that the Hurricanes have been on a slippery slope for too long. Coker seems to be a nice guy, but he needed to be more than that. He needed to provide discipline for his program. And he didn't.
Stomping on logos and fighting in a stadium tunnel don't happen at every school, and that's why brawls don't happen very often. Coker doesn't seem to get that. After the game, Coker made one of the most astounding statements I have ever read from a coach:
"I think that it will affect the image of our program greatly, but in a positive way," he said, according to the Miami Herald. "I think that when they see the video and they see how it was handled they will be impressed with our players."
Coker seemed to think that his players looked good in comparison to the FIU players. He has since changed his tune and suspended at least eight players. But his initial comments are inexcusable. It doesn't matter if he thought FIU started it, or that his players behaved better. If your players are involved in a brawl, they didn't show nearly enough restraint, period.
Can you imagine Joe Paterno's players doing anything close to what we saw from Miami? Can you imagine Tyrone Willingham, in similar circumstances, defending his players like Coker did? I can't.
The fight during Saturday's Miami-Florida International got really ugly really quickly. (South Florida Sun-Sentinel, John L. White / Associated Press)
What is the point of having a football team if it so thoroughly embarrasses the university like the Hurricanes just did? Miami isn't some college-credit supermarket that needs big-time football to justify its existence. According to Business Week, the average SAT score for a Miami freshman is 1258. The students and faculty at Miami deserve better.
Coker was probably toast, anyway ? since losing the Fiesta Bowl to Ohio State four years ago, his program has been on an undeniable decline. He would likely have lost his job either this winter or next for the same old reason: he didn't win enough. In that sense, his exit won't come much earlier than it would have. But it will be more shameful.
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NFBuck;634580; said:
...I went to a bench clearing brawl and a Miami Hurricane football game broke out.:slappy:

Seriously, If that announcer douchebag (Lamar Thomas) still has a job after running his mouth like that, there is no justice(see Steve Lyons story). That guy has to be the biggest piece of trash I've ever heard in the announce booth, and thats saying something.
Looks like there may be justice... We'll see what "appropriate disciplinary action" means.


Ex-'Cane in trouble for remarks on TV
Thomas praised Miami players during brawl against Florida International

MIAMI - Comments made by TV analyst and former Miami player Lamar Thomas during a sideline-clearing brawl involving the Hurricanes and Florida International will be edited out before the game is replayed later this week.

Thomas may also lose his job with Comcast Sports SouthEast, a regional cable network available in 5.5 million homes.

"We will take appropriate disciplinary action," CSS general manager Mark Fuhrman said Monday. The network will replay the game Wednesday.

Thomas made his comments as dozens of Miami and FIU players stormed the Orange Bowl field and fought during the third quarter of their teams' game Saturday night, an incident that led to the suspension of at least 31 players and forced officials from both schools to publicly apologize for the melee.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about," Thomas said as the brawl raged out of control. "You come into our house, you should get your behind kicked. You don't come into the OB playing that stuff. You're across the ocean over there. You're across the city. You can't come over to our place talking noise like that. You'll get your butt beat. I was about to go down the elevator to get in that thing."

Miami and Florida International have campuses 9 miles apart in Miami-Dade County. It was the first meeting between the two programs, and the Hurricanes went on to win 35-0.

As the fight slowed, Thomas' comments continued.

"I say, why don't they just meet outside in the tunnel after the ball game and get it on some more? You don't come into the OB, baby," Thomas said. "We've had a down couple years but you don't come in here talking smack. Not in our house."

A tape of the fight, including Thomas' comments, was available on the Internet on Sunday and Monday. The game was available for viewing Saturday night on a pay-per-view basis.

"We do not support or condone any of the comments that were made by Lamar," Fuhrman said.

Thomas was a third-round draft pick of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1993 and spent six seasons in the NFL, three with the Bucs and three with the Miami Dolphins.

He has a Gainesville address, but there was no listed telephone number for him in that area. He could not be reached Monday.

Fuhrman said CSS will consult with Miami officials before determining what action should be taken.

"The university recommends talent for the broadcast, but we ultimately will make the decision," Fuhrman said.

? 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Comments made by TV analyst and former Miami player Lamar Thomas during a sideline-clearing brawl involving the Hurricanes and Florida International will be edited out before the game is replayed later this week.
Hello is this Comcast Customer Service?
Somewhere around the 3rd quarter of Da U vs FIU there is this 24 minute span of silence - what happened, I demand my money back!
"Only if you will take Lamar of our hands."
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Define Irony?

You seriously cannot make up stuff this steeped in irony :tongue2:
Join-a-Team, Not-a-Gang Program
The Miami-Dade Police Department and the University of Miami join forces.

Oct. 14, 2006

Photo Gallery
The Miami Dade Police Department kicked off their annual "Join-a-Team, Not-a-Gang program on Tuesday, October 10th. This program is a cooperative effort, which includes Miami Dade Public Schools, the University of Miami Athletic Department, and Florida Power & Light Company.
The program gives out a "Most Improved Student Award". Each hard working student will get a chance to visit a University of Miami football practice, a tour of athletic facilities, and a chance to meet the University of Miami football coaches and student-athletes.
Students are selected by their school and selection is based on improvement in academics, behavior, and attendance. The visits take place once a week and continue through football season. Winners and a D.A.R.E. officer from each school will be visiting the school once a week throughout the football season. This Saturday, the Miami Dade Police Department will bring about 700 children to the Miami vs. FIU football game as part of the program.
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