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I just watched some of that on Espin. That was damn scary! Both teams were at fault and both should be punished strongly, the schools should have until tomorrow to act, then the respective leagues or the NCAA should step in and judge the schools actions! We just cannot allow that to occur without very grave consequences. :sad2:
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Coker suspends eight players for brawl

Associated Press

CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) - Miami coach Larry Coker said Sunday that at least eight Hurricane players will be suspended for their role in a sideline-clearing brawl against Florida International.

The fight Saturday night came during Miami's 35-0 win against Florida International, which plays across town. It was the first meeting between the teams.

Coker said the five players ejected in the fight - offensive linemen Derrick Morse and Chris Barney, running back Charlie Jones, and cornerbacks Carlos Armour and Bruce Johnson - would be suspended.

Coker also suspended safeties Anthony Reddick and Brandon Meriweather and fullback James Bryant.

The lengths of the suspensions have not been determined.
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Coker suspends 8 Hurricanes for brawlBy TIM REYNOLDS, AP Sports Writer
October 15, 2006
CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) -- Miami coach Larry Coker said Sunday that at least eight Hurricane players will be suspended for their role in a sideline-clearing brawl against Florida International. The fight came during Miami's 35-0 win Saturday night against Florida International, which plays across town. It was the first meeting between the teams.
Coker said the five players ejected in the fight -- offensive linemen Derrick Morse and Chris Barney, running back Charlie Jones, and cornerbacks Carlos Armour and Bruce Johnson -- would be suspended.

Coker also suspended safeties Anthony Reddick and Brandon Meriweather and fullback James Bryant.
The lengths of the suspensions have not been determined.
"I don't have many bad days," Coker said Sunday. "This is a bad day."
The fight marred what was supposed to be the beginning of a friendly rivalry between two schools with players who grew up battling each other on high school fields in South Florida.
But even after reviewing tape, it's impossible to say when tensions began escalating -- although Coker said there was an incident during pregame warmups where an FIU player collided with a Miami player. He declined to identify which players were involved.
There were many instances of heated words being exchanged from the game's opening minutes, especially after FIU's Chandler Williams -- one of the eight Golden Panthers who'd later be ejected -- dived helmet-first at prone Miami defender Kenny Phillips following a first-quarter interception.
But later, unsportsmanlike turned into unruly -- or worse.
Bryant pointed at the FIU bench and bowed to the crowd after catching a touchdown pass with 9 minutes left in the third quarter -- which earned his suspension, Coker said.
"He needs to get the message," Coker said.
After the Miami extra point put the Hurricanes up 14-0, pushing and shoving broke out among linemen. Moments later, FIU's Chris Smith wrestled Miami holder Matt Perrelli to the ground and punched him in the chin.
With that, the fracas was on.
FIU's Marshall McDuffie Jr. charged in and kicked Perrelli in the helmet. Miami lineman Derrick Morse jumped onto the Smith-Perrelli pile, FIU's Lionel Singleton followed suit and threw a punch toward the head of the Hurricanes' Calais Campbell -- and benches began to empty.
Several players appeared to throw punches, including Miami's Bryant, DajLeon Farr and Ryan Hill, and Meriweather was seen attempting to stomp on FIU players.
Reddick charged across the field, helmet raised high over his head, and slammed it into FIU cornerback Robert Mitchell. Florida International's ejected players were Williams, Singleton, Smith, McDuffie Jr., fullback John Ellis, linebacker Mannie Wellington, tight end Samuel Smith and defensive end Jarvis Penerton.
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As high school recruits, Charlie Jones, Anthony Reddick, and James Bryant all had Ohio State amongst their respective finalists - I'm glad that none of them ended up in the scarlet and grey.
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Random quotes from Grassy:

first time in a long time I have been proud of my canes

too bad donna [shalala] made it out unscaved

Proud as hell of our team tonight,after they started the fight we cleaned house this is the Orange Bowl and its time to start another home streak.No one from our team should be punished since we didnt start thi battle we just finished it.We played alot better after the brawl as well.They called us Thug U in the 80s when we did things no one thought possible,if other teams start hating us again were doing something right were winning and winning with attitude.No more soft crap you get the best athlete that meets the requirements and wont get you on probation like Oklahoma is fixing to be,and then you unleash them.No @#%$ i almost cried i was so damn happy this is Miami Football and our only goal is to be the best year in year out,if you just became a fan around 1999 you might not get it.But i hope this attitude sticks and stays,so some of you may wanna go get a Wisconsin shirt or somethin.

Ryan Moore thought about joining the brawl. But he decided against it, because there were no women on the field to hit.
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In the interest of fair and balanced reporting the (sole) voice of reason on CanesTimes - approrpiately named Gonzo.
Gonzo Cane

Re: My Take on the fight...
Quote:imo,the fact that we came out with no spirit or fire and needed a bench clearing brawl to get ready to play a high school team speaks volumes to the effect larry coker has on this team.

3 brawls in the last 6 games. The direction that this team is headed is obvious. We're looking like Erickson's bunch before the hammer came down. We're becoming radioactive. Anybody here4 think that the ACC wants us in the championship game the way we're acting/playing. How about the Bowls? I'm sure they'll be lining up for us. It's over, man.

But more are like this delusional fool.
1) People on here want to blame Coker for the fight. This is like blaming a school teacher for a group of 2nd graders fighting in class. It does not make any sense. Now I understand all the Coker criticism, but no one can make the case that this fight was his fault.

2) The Canes played much better after the fight. They had what Lamar Thomas was talking about. They had more spirit. They had the fire & swagger. They fought as a family. Unfortunately it took a tragedy to bring this team together, but sometimes it takes tragedies to bring any community together.
Or this piece of spin -
It is simple. I surely wouldn't condone a brawl, but I do think they have to defend their teammates. I don't approve of Reddick swinging his helmet & I'm not sure that Merriweather needed to stomp on the FIU player while he was down. Either way you slice it, it will be us that is made the bad guys in the media.
These folks are simply out of their minds.
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