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Coker is finished this week. This will happen for two reasons, one he's lost control of the program. (What better excuse is there to get rid of Coker) and two, the University has to send a message to the athletes that this behavior will not be tolerated.

If the NCAA doesn't punish the ejected players, the school will.
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If the fans are too stupid to be embarrassed over the brawl itself I guess they won't be fazed by the fact the score was showing 13-0 near halftime or 3rd quarter vs FIU.

Their fans are more persitant in their collective ignorance than a dog with two dicks.
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The clueless Miami "fans" and their whining about FIU "starting" the fight and the Hurricons being right in "finishing" it just leaves me with one thought...

...how incredibly proud I am of how Smith, Datish, Tone & the rest of the team reacted when faced with taunts & attacks in the Iowa game.

They calmly walked away, strapped back up & knocked the bejesus out of the Hawkeyes on the field.


PS - My favorite thread title from CaneSport.com: "At least Merriweather didn't try to shoot anyone". lol
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Muck;634017; said:
The clueless Miami "fans" and their whining about FIU "starting" the fight and the Hurricons being right in "finishing" it just leaves me with one thought...

...how incredibly proud I am of how Smith, Datish, Tone & the rest of the team reacted when faced with taunts & attacks in the Iowa game.

They calmly walked away, strapped back up & knocked the bejesus out of the Hawkeyes on the field.


PS - My favorite thread title from CaneSport.com: "At least Merriweather didn't try to shoot anyone". lol
Emblematic of Tressel, and this ...

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BTW in case anyone was wondering who the commentator behaving like one of the players was.

It's former Hurricon Lamar Thomas:

New York Times said:
LAMAR THOMAS was released by Tampa Bay, a week after he was arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated battery against his pregnant fiancee.

Yeah, that Lamar Thomas.
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How the hell could a parent watch that footage and send their 18 year old kid to that thug program? The two words I can think of to describe that episode are "prison riot" because that's what it most resembled. And 90% of the players involved are probably already on parole. I was waiting for the Dade police to bring out the tear gas.

Did anybody catch Larry Coker's comment after the game?

"This won't be a big negative on the University of Miami," Coker said. "I'll put it that way."

I think Coke-whore just bought himself an early retirement package.
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Honestly it is a disgrace to college football as a whole.

I am glad there was a bunch of big games this weekend to overshadow it, but come wednesday and on into the rest of the season it is going to be the upset that IU pulled off or Vandy it is going to be some scrub teams throwing bows at each other.
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I hope the Miami players and fans are still pumped up after half of their roster is suspended for several games / the season, and some of them are kicked off the team altogether. Scholarships should be stripped, because there is no way you can justify allowing punks like that to get a free ride while there are thousands of other students who have to get through the real way, and then thousands more of recruits with an ounce of class that could be in their place.

This fight just makes me that much more proud to be a Buckeye fan, of a team and University with class.

By the way, Thomas should lose his job as an announcer after his comments, and Coker should resign and get the hell out of that shithole.
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OregonBuckeye;634029; said:
Well, I got banned. It was worth it though. They deserve any ridicule they get, especially for defending their team's actions.

Astonishing hubris
"I hope we fight every game...its about time"
Baby Cane
Posts: 64
(10/15/06 12:39:41 am)
I hope we fight every game...its about time we showed some passion.

I am back in the Canes corner after tonight, not because I want them swinging helmets at people, that was ridiculous, but its a tough sport and FIU was playing dirty all night.

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