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On TOcenter (Sportscenter) they just said an injured player from FIU came on the field swinging a crutch. :bonk:

It may have been started by the other team, but how far has Miami fallen when they're resorting to stomping on the logo at... Louisville and "defending their honor" against an 0-7 commuter college team? They're in worse shape now than they were before Butch Davis arrived.

Larry Coker should be fired tomorrow, and he should be happy to get the hell out of that mess.
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jlb1705;633988; said:
On TOcenter (Sportscenter) they just said an injured player from FIU came on the field swinging a crutch. :bonk:
When it takes your whole team to respond to one injured guy on crutches, now THAT is SWAGGER. How could it NOT be good for recruiting? :huh:

Thank goodness it wasn't some smart alec toddler tossing his binky off a "U" helmet. Who knows what honor might have required in that instance.
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...and to think Miami fans were complaining about those mean 'ole Buckeye fans and how they were picked on at the Fiesta Bowl. You'd think stone cold soulja's like themselves woulda done a beatdown since they're such internet badasses. :roll2:

I can honestly say I'm pleased that they've been in a death spiral ever since Ohio State broke them 3 1/2 years ago.

Trash program, trash players, trash fans.

Adam Locked;633995; said:
Fired? If Coker had an ounce of intelligent he should resign. Perfect opportunity for him to do it tonight.


OSUsushichic;633940; said:
I probably just got myself banned over there. :lol:

You mean they aren't still pre-banning Buckeye monikers? lol

It's even more pathetic that the few fans who are rightfully upset over the brawl are getting blasted by the juvenile wannabees.
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SI writeup

Mentions FIU is cryami's newest rival, but now FIU is considering dropping the rivalry. Oh, it must be tough to fall so hard. :biggrin:

Surprisingly, neither the guy who swung the helmet (Redik?) nor the guy doing the Marcus Vick impersonation (Meriweather?) got ejected.
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