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The funny thing about all the posters on their boards claiming that they'd do the same thing and would throw down at a moment's notice is that I clearly remember the 30 or so Miami fans who showed up at the Fiesta bowl and I recall them ducking out after the game with their heads down and tails between their legs.

Talk is cheap on a message board....reality is something else entirely.

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Another gem from Larry Coker. It almost seems like he's begging to get canned:

"I think that it will affect the image of our program greatly, but in a positive way," Coker said. "I think that when they see the video and they see how it was handled they will be impressed with our players. This will not be a very big thing for the University of Miami. It was impressive in that it was handled very well."
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Does he know this guy?

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I wanted to see the cops come out with tear gas grenades, the fire extinguisher sized mace cans and tazers and let loose. I mean really, why didn't a swat team show up to arrest 100 physically fit players wearing protective gear while inciting a riot? The worst part is that the guy swinging the helmet (just like a punk, when a fight breaks out the first thing they do is grab a weapon) and merriweather (the guy stomping a guy on the ground with cleats - anyone thinking a 5 or 6 game suspension like the guy in the NFL? yeah me too) were not ejected. They got to play the rest of the game. Given the fan base, I dunno why all 10,000 of the fans in attendance didnt at least throw stuff onto the field.
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BuckeyeCity;634071; said:
I wanted to see the cops come out with tear gas grenades, the fire extinguisher sized mace cans and tazers and let loose. I mean really, why didn't a swat team show up to arrest 100 physically fit players wearing protective gear while inciting a riot? The worst part is that the guy swinging the helmet (just like a punk, when a fight breaks out the first thing they do is grab a weapon) and merriweather (the guy stomping a guy on the ground with cleats - anyone thinking a 5 or 6 game suspension like the guy in the NFL? yeah me too) were not ejected. They got to play the rest of the game. Given the fan base, I dunno why all 10,000 of the fans in attendance didnt at least throw stuff onto the field.

We can only wish that would happen. The university of Miami and almost every other school in Florida is a disgrace to college football. Most of them come from horrible backrounds and do not know how to act like adults. They looked like a bunch of monkeys out there that went crazy. (not trying to be derogatory) I think the players who got thrown out should be suspended for the rest of the year.

Their fans are even worse. Being proud of something like that. If that ever happened here i would want us to suspend the players who participated no matter how good they are.
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Miami, FIU brawl; 13 players ejected

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Miami 35, Florida International 0 ?
Miami beat Florida International last night in a game marred by a wild brawl in the third quarter that had fists flying, helmets swinging and crutches used as weapons.
In all, 13 players were ejected ? eight from FIU (0-7), five from Miami (4-2), and each will likely face a minimum of one-game suspensions. Officials from both conferences, the Atlantic Coast and Sun Belt, are expected to review the game tape to determine whether additional sanctions are necessary.
Kyle Wright had three touchdown passes for the Hurricanes, and Lance Leggett had two TD catches.
It was the first meeting between schools that are 9 miles apart in Miami and have rosters almost entirely filled with players from Miami-Dade and Broward counties, the two largest in south Florida.
"It was a great game," FIU quarterback Josh Padrick said, "until nine minutes left in the third quarter."
James Bryant caught a 5-yard TD pass from Wright, then drew a 15-yard flag for unsportsmanlike conduct. After the catch, he appeared to point at the FIU bench, then took a theatrical bow toward the stands.
Jon Peattie kicked the extra point for a 14-0 lead and the melee began; replays showed an FIU player crashing into Miami holder Matt Perrelli as the first of many blows. Pushing quickly turned into punches, both sidelines emptied and several fights broke out.
The brawl lasted about five minutes, and it took officials several more minutes to sort out the penalties. More than two dozen uniformed police officers came onto the field, trying to end the fights, and at least one incident of fan fighting broke out in the Orange Bowl stands. Police officers, including some wearing helmets, surrounded the field for the remainder of the game.
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What a disgrace....and the problem starts with their muppet looking coach making excuses for those idiots. It's one thing to defend you brothers and break up a fight, but to stomp on people's heads and swing your helmet...that's just street ghetto mentality.
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