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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

This can be taken in either extreme, but I find it fascinating that there is little difference between Joe and Braxton according to the article. If true, then either Braxton is well above the curve or Joe is deficient for a guy that's been in the system a while. Que sera sera.
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muffler dragon;1975557; said:
This can be taken in either extreme, but I find it fascinating that there is little difference between Joe and Braxton according to the article. If true, then either Braxton is well above the curve or Joe is deficient for a guy that's been in the system a while. Que sera sera.

I find it more interesting that Posey says JB has set himself apart.
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muffler dragon;1975557; said:
This can be taken in either extreme, but I find it fascinating that there is little difference between Joe and Braxton according to the article. If true, then either Braxton is well above the curve or Joe is deficient for a guy that's been in the system a while. Que sera sera.

That assumes that they are starting at the same point. We're talking about a Five star, top 1 to 3 QB in the country in Miller and whatever Bauserman was, which I'm guessing was kind of a 3 star maybe top 50* at his position type guy, when was that '04? I mean at that point we still had Zwick and Smith as RS sophs (ish), Boeckman gray shirted from '03 and presumably Schoenoft was on the radar... all better prospects than him then. I think we all expect, whatever happens this year that Miller will be much better than Bauserman once all is said and done.

*Of course no one really ever expected Joe to actually show up here. And I don't know how much the fact that he was going to play baseball impacted his "ratings". (I'm sure it didn't hurt Joe Mauers in the least)
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Some folks are waiting for the "starter" to be announced but I suspect that title won't mean so much, at least early in the season. JB and Brax are very different styles and if both are impressing I think both will play.

I would almost bet on JB being the starter, especially at Miami, but we'll see the kid, too...in about 8 days. :biggrin:
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Well, an excellent day for both our QBs yesterday. Nonetheless I am not yet ready to relax relative to QB performance. Joe B has in the past excelled against weak competition but struggled against better teams. Whatever else you wish to say about Terrelle Pryor, he came to play in most of the big games, and his escapability allowed him to salvage plays that most QBs would not.

I think it will be great if Joe's good play continues against Toledo, but I honestly believe there's enough talent on the Miami defense to make things much more problematic for him. A loss in South Beach would not surprise me at all (actually, I'd be very surprised by a win), but I see the next several games as being excellent apprentice opportunity for Braxton as he gradually gains enough familiarity, confidence and awareness to become our starter.

Of course, if Joe B proves me wrong that would be just fine. :biggrin:

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MaxBuck;1982525; said:
Well, an excellent day for both our QBs yesterday. Nonetheless I am not yet ready to relax relative to QB performance. Joe B has in the past excelled against weak competition but struggled against better teams. Whatever else you wish to say about Terrelle Pryor, he came to play in most of the big games, and his escapability allowed him to salvage plays that most QBs would not.

I think it will be great if Joe's good play continues against Toledo, but I honestly believe there's enough talent on the Miami defense to make things much more problematic for him. A loss in South Beach would not surprise me at all (actually, I'd be very surprised by a win), but I see the next several games as being excellent apprentice opportunity for Braxton as he gradually gains enough familiarity, confidence and awareness to become our starter.

Of course, if Joe B proves me wrong that would be just fine. :biggrin:


I agree with this. Joe had a great game yesterday, but there were still flashes where it indicated he may have problems against better, more athletic defenses. Hope I'm wrong though too!
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GeorgiaBuck2;1983460; said:

Bucks Sticking with Two QBs Despite Bauserman's Success


I was hoping/thinking we would have a Joe Germaine/Stanley Jackson type QB system this year, with both guys (Bauserman/Miller) bringing different dimensions to the equation. After today, however, I guess that's not the case.

I think we are limiting ourselves offensively at the moment and I hope that changes going forward.
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Not only stunting the offenses abilities for right now (more misdirection, another running threat, broken play ability, options, and just as many normal passing plays), but also killing it's developement for in the future.

I don't think Braxton would've done any worse out there today. Infact I think his ability would've helped take pressure off the backs.
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bukIpower;1988057; said:
Not only stunting the offenses abilities for right now (more misdirection, another running threat, broken play ability, options, and just as many normal passing plays), but also killing it's developement for in the future.

I don't think Braxton would've done any worse out there today. Infact I think his ability would've helped take pressure off the backs.

Couldn't agree more! I really dont understand why Braxton isn't more involved with the game and the rest of the QBs everytime I looked over to him on the sideline he's always standing back off the field not involved. With defenses bringing more heat and loading the box, we need mobility involved in our passing game.
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At this moment, I figure there are only about 3 B1G teams in worse shape at the QB position than the Buckeyes: IU, Minnesota and Penn State. With that being the case, we'll struggle this season.

It would be a shame if we aren't able to get our apparent QB of the future more reps against quality competition. But I understand the circumstances that might prevent that from happening, and I sure don't think Coach Fickell owes the fans anything relative to QB playing time.
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MaxBuck;1992017; said:
At this moment, I figure there are only about 3 B1G teams in worse shape at the QB position than the Buckeyes: IU, Minnesota and Penn State. With that being the case, we'll struggle this season.

I'll have that plate of crow ready for you when Joey B makes the trip to NYC :p
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MaxBuck;1992017; said:
At this moment, I figure there are only about 3 B1G teams in worse shape at the QB position than the Buckeyes: IU, Minnesota and Penn State. With that being the case, we'll struggle this season.

It would be a shame if we aren't able to get our apparent QB of the future more reps against quality competition. But I understand the circumstances that might prevent that from happening, and I sure don't think Coach Fickell owes the fans anything relative to QB playing time.

you forgot Purdue on your "worse shape" list
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