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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

Buckeyebred97;2071082; said:
I heard it was a smaller school in his home state. I think he will do well. He was not going to be a fit for the offense we will have now. I believe Cardale Jones could be a great QB in the future after seeing what RGIII did at Baylor. As long as we get some good WR's and having Dunn and Ball should suit well for the seasons after BM

Last rumor I read was that it was D3 Wheaton, in his home town.
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Yeah that's what I heard. I think he will do very well and I wish him the best of luck. If JT was still coaching I think he could have been a good QB with the right offense. tOSU really hasn't been a traditional style QB school since Krenzle. I think if we keep Guiton having him in the Urban Meyer spread offense can make him a really good back up. I'm sure Jones will find his own style in a couple years.
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