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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

buckeyesin07;1994577; said:
I know BP is unanimous or nearly so in thinking that Brax should be the starter from here on out, but I'm not sure LF agrees. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if Joe B starts against Colorado.
I'd be shocked if Fickell started someone other than Bauserman.
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I realize that tOSU QBs are coached to be risk-averse, but I would like to see some evidence on the field that Buckeye QBs recognize that some game situations have much higher acceptable levels of risking an interception than others. On a 2-point conversion, it's OK to put the ball up for grabs in the back of the end zone, since it's very unlikely that the defender will be able to go well over 100 yards to get 2 points.

On third and long near midfield, a deep interception is much less harmful than in other down-and-distance situations; and the QBs should be much more willing to throw a 'jump ball'. Throwing the ball away in that situation guarantees a punt - and putting the ball up for grabs could result in an interception that is almost the same as a punt - and it also allows for a possible completion or a possible pass interference penalty.

Florida State had to insert a freshman QB in the second half of their game against the #1 team in the country last night. On a third and long near midfield, Trickett tossed a deep ball up near the 20-yard line. The Oklahoma DB went up for the ball and missed it, and the receiver caught it and went in for the tying TD. A QB coached not to make that throw, regardless of the situation, may well have simply thrown the ball away, resulting in a punt that would have probably resulted in similar field position for Oklahoma following an interception, or a kickoff return after their opponent had scored 7 points.

As this season progresses, I'm hoping to see evidence that the tOSU QBs are aware that different game situations allow, and even dictate, throws being made with higher possibilities of being intercepted. Being ultra-conservative with the ball isn't always the correct play.
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Its just as well this game happened..we need a QB who can make plays not one who throws the ball away..a game manager if you like..we played every WR we had last night ..that tells me we can not settle on 3 and get them comfortable with one QB..I stii can't believe Joe B ran a Zone read play and Brax was in the I..you need to decide on an offense ..there is not enough practice time to perfect 2..if Baus was a Moore or Luck I say go with the I and power attack but he isn't so we need to default to the spread..NW used to have a 1000 yd rusher in the spread tOSU can too..LF needs to make the decision and get the staff to implement it..bouncing back and forth is a recipe for disaster as we saw last night
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The problem isn't the I or spread, because tOSU runs a multiple formation offense it doesn't matter, it's the predictability and that allows defenses to stack the line or set up run blitz and still not get burned. The threat of a pass is what makes the offense roll as much as anything. But when your passing game is inept you're fucked.

Another thing: getting Adams, Herron and Posey back for UNL is not nearly as important to this offense as NOT getting back Pryor. He was the offense and the other guys were great complimentary pieces...tough to be successful when you're missing both. QB play is vitally important on third down and when your unproven QB(s) aren't throwing to your teams #1 & #2 WRs...it's another recipe for disaster and probably a sign of things to come.

Braxton needs more reps to be a sucessful QB here but, he also needs to step it up and prove he can lead this team all while learning on the fly. Tough assignment that very few people would be able to handle.

I was cautiously optimistic to start the year and I will remain that way because at this point in time it's still all about the tsun game and improving each week up to it.

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This season has started out just like '08 did.
Big win over an inferior opponent, then struggled against a decent MAC team, then an embarrasing road loss.

We had a senior QB who was struggling, we had a phenom freshamn QB who played a little here and there. We were missing our #1 tailback, and we didn't have the greatest weapons at WR.

What did we do that year? We benched the senior, played the freshman full time, ran the ball, and by the end of they year we were a pretty damn good football team.

This is one case where history should repeat itself.

Put Miller in, run the '05 offense, and get better.
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If you pound it into a player (bauserman) that its better to throw it away and be safe all the time....then your taking that aggressive nature away from the player. Big difference with the way Krenzel played and Bauserman is playing. I thought Krenzel was aggressive most of the time...Bauserman not so much.
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NightmaresDad;1994630; said:
This season has started out just like '08 did.
Big win over an inferior opponent, then struggled against a decent MAC team, then an embarrasing road loss.

We had a senior QB who was struggling, we had a phenom freshamn QB who played a little here and there. We were missing our #1 tailback, and we didn't have the greatest weapons at WR.

What did we do that year? We benched the senior, played the freshman full time, ran the ball, and by the end of they year we were a pretty damn good football team.

This is one case where history should repeat itself.

Put Miller in, run the '05 offense, and get better.

No offense to the young guys at wideout but...Where to we find three 1st round NFL WR to run that offense?
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Elephant;1994631; said:
If you pound it into a player (bauserman) that its better to throw it away and be safe all the time....then your taking that aggressive nature away from the player. Big difference with the way Krenzel played and Bauserman is playing. I thought Krenzel was aggressive most of the time...Bauserman not so much.
The differences between Krenzel and Bauserman go way beyond "aggressiveness." It doesn't appear to me that Joe's biggest problem is a need to be more aggressive.
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OSU's QB plan was set up, but didn't come to pass
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch Friday October 14, 2011


The changing of the guard at quarterback for Ohio State was on track to be a smooth transition from one blue-chip prospect to another.

Of course, that was a year ago, when Terrelle Pryor was in his junior season and Braxton Miller ? considered the top dual-threat QB recruit in the country by Rivals.com ? was a high-school senior at Huber Heights Wayne near Dayton.

There were four other quarterbacks in the Ohio State program just in case something went awry, but the obvious grand plan was to have Miller play a little as an understudy to Pryor this season, then step into the starter?s job in 2012. Miller even enrolled at OSU in January to get a head start.

Then something did go awry. Pryor left OSU abruptly in June in the wake of the NCAA investigation that already had claimed coach Jim Tressel in a forced resignation. The quarterback depth chart suddenly had an inexperienced senior journeyman, Joe Bauserman, at the top of the list, and, well, OSU fans have seen what has happened since.

The Buckeyes have put their eggs in the Miller basket perhaps a year ahead of schedule. He was named the starter in game four against Colorado.


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dang, I just heard that Taylor Graham transferred. I would have liked to seen him get a shot. I don't know if he sucked, or what, I just hope it won't be like Ryan Mallett, leaving Michigan, and doing well somewhere else.

Anybody know where he is going??

Best of luck, Mr. Graham.
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I heard it was a smaller school in his home state. I think he will do well. He was not going to be a fit for the offense we will have now. I believe Cardale Jones could be a great QB in the future after seeing what RGIII did at Baylor. As long as we get some good WR's and having Dunn and Ball should suit well for the seasons after BM
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