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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

I noticed BSU's first play againt Toledo was an 11 yard run up the middle. Toledo isn't gonna be stacking the box every down like they were against tOSU. I think the Buckeyes will be in the position of having to make defenses respect our passing game to establish the run. We'll see if getting Hall back can be a spark that we need.
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Buckeye doc;1992174; said:
I think the Buckeyes will be in the position of having to make defenses respect our passing game to establish the run. We'll see if getting Hall back can be a spark that we need.

I sure as hell hope so. If they don't keep the defense honest at some point this team is going to really struggle. With all of this being said, I expect to see some new wrinkles against Miami. If we line up in the I and just expect to run the same few stale plays over and over.........well, Miami wins. I fully expect to see some new dynamics against the Canes, mainly Braxton.
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daddyphatsacs;1992192; said:
I sure as hell hope so. If they don't keep the defense honest at some point this team is going to really struggle. With all of this being said, I expect to see some new wrinkles against Miami. If we line up in the I and just expect to run the same few stale plays over and over.........well, Miami wins. I fully expect to see some new dynamics against the Canes, mainly Braxton.
If the offense doesn't become more dynamic it will be a long season..Toledo has shown the blue print load the box and defy the QB to make plays in the passing game..
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it is interesting that a lot of folks want to lay this at the QB's feet, obviously since they are the most visible player.

What I see is the same Oline woes, that can't open a hole or pass protect for more than 3 seconds. A QB or a RB can't get off and going if the defense is on them as soon as the ball is snapped.

Here's to the Oline getting off and smacking some Hurricanes.....
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Its not just the quarterbacks either its the wide receivers dropping balls and not getting open in all honesty the offensive line played really well. Where does this rank among worst passing games in Ohio State history is it #1?
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I'm sorry, but this is not third grade. You don't warrant time on the field because you spoke nicely to teacher.

Very disappointing performance tonight, and I have no clue why our coaching staff chose to allow it. Not ready for prime time, that's for sure.

I'm not sure there is another team in the B1G that has as much trouble at the QB position as we have - largely due to coaching decisions IMO.
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matcar;1994044; said:
Two completion tonight. Clearly quarterback issues but coaching problems as well. There's no way that a program like TOSU should experience something like this.

Who calls the plays this year? I assume it is Bollman but I guess I've been surprised that it hasn't been a bigger topic of conversation.
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We're trying to decide between a five star recruit freshman QB and a 26 year old walk on who never started a game until this season? The decision should've been simple before the season, and it should be even easier now. I just hope Miller doesn't get pissed off and transfer.
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Was it just Bauserman's hesitancy or were all the pass plays slow developing? I realize the QB's have some limitations but they can be helped with the right play calling. Where were the quick developing pass plays? I keep thinking back to the Rose Bowl where Pryor would just rise up and throw to Posey/Sanz and let them run for 6-7 YAC on a first down. Don't know how much it would have helped but it seems a basic premise to get an inexperienced QB some easy completions early in the game to help them get in a rhythm.
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