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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

itownbuckeye;1994236; said:
Was it just Bauserman's hesitancy or were all the pass plays slow developing? I realize the QB's have some limitations but they can be helped with the right play calling. Where were the quick developing pass plays? I keep thinking back to the Rose Bowl where Pryor would just rise up and throw to Posey/Sanz and let them run for 6-7 YAC on a first down. Don't know how much it would have helped but it seems a basic premise to get an inexperienced QB some easy completions early in the game to help them get in a rhythm.

Hesitancy I think. Bauserman doesn't want to throw the ball unless the WR is WIDE open. Sometimes you have to make tight throws. You're on scholly at QB at TOSU. Have to be able to make a throw.
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ScarletnGray 33;1994402; said:
Hesitancy I think. Bauserman doesn't want to throw the ball unless the WR is WIDE open. Sometimes you have to make tight throws. You're on scholly at QB at TOSU. Have to be able to make a throw.

That knuckler won't be too effective in a windy game like last year vs Illinois.
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itownbuckeye;1994236; said:
Was it just Bauserman's hesitancy or were all the pass plays slow developing? I realize the QB's have some limitations but they can be helped with the right play calling. Where were the quick developing pass plays? I keep thinking back to the Rose Bowl where Pryor would just rise up and throw to Posey/Sanz and let them run for 6-7 YAC on a first down. Don't know how much it would have helped but it seems a basic premise to get an inexperienced QB some easy completions early in the game to help them get in a rhythm.

I think that was their plan, short passing game with Bauserman. To me it looked like he locked on and waited for Stoney to get open on nearly every play despite him being doubled. When he was finally open in the end zone, Bauserman hesitated to throw it and gave him no chance of making a play.
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itownbuckeye;1994236; said:
Was it just Bauserman's hesitancy or were all the pass plays slow developing? I realize the QB's have some limitations but they can be helped with the right play calling. Where were the quick developing pass plays? I keep thinking back to the Rose Bowl where Pryor would just rise up and throw to Posey/Sanz and let them run for 6-7 YAC on a first down. Don't know how much it would have helped but it seems a basic premise to get an inexperienced QB some easy completions early in the game to help them get in a rhythm.

They did that on the first drive. Fields had a first down set up via good blocking but the pass was not within his reach.

Even when Hall/Berry, can't remember which, slipped into the flats and was wide open by ten yds on all sides, Joe still hesitated and thought about it before throwing it.

his low release point really hurt OSU as well. He had multiple first down targets open on third down only to have them dropped.

Drops also killed some early efficiency from Joe. Spencer, Reed, Braxton all looked like wide eyed freshmen today.

This was the first big game for many of those who struggled and it showed.
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MaxBuck;1994425; said:
Braxton looked like a wide-eyed freshman who, given a chance, could become at least competent (and possibly more) by season's end. Which would be welcome.

Agreed. The head-on shot of Braxton they had, I could see he had a deer in the headlights look, but he stayed strong, I think. That won't take all too terribly long to go away as long as he's kept in a game more than a few series.
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What dropped passes? Besides Verlon which else were truely the Wr's fault? The fields pass was low and infront of him, the Stoneburner pass was behind him and too hard, and the Spencer catch would've been just as sick a catch as his one handed grab had he come down with it... The passes were ducks, and the WR's could've done more to get open but IMO drops weren't a big part of the problem.
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Before last night, I was "okay" with platooning JoeB and Braxton. My thought process was that there is obviously something the coaches see that I don't.

At half time last night, I became 100% in the camp of playing Braxton and taking the ups and downs that come with it. He may throw a few picks or fumble trying to make a play, but for this year, his presence changes the defensive keys, and at least if his first read isn't there he still is a threat to run or throw to the checkdown. Unfortunately JoeB is not an elite passer. I agree with what Blackledge said last night about either having an elite passer or a mobile QB in college. JoeB hasn't shown the accuracy to have teams fear the deep ball. If I'm a Def Coord. I play one on one with the receivers and put everyone else in the box. Even if our receivers get separation, the completion is still iffy.

I really like JoeB and how he has handled himself as a teammate. I just don't have the confidence with him under center.
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Yesterday was the perfect storm of everything that has gone wrong in the off season. Obviously, so much time was spent developing TP that the other guys didn't get much coaching. Combine the lack of coaching the back ups and the suspensions and you have the passing game/QB nightmare of last night. So the actual season becomes QB developement time. Gotta play Brax more and take our lumps to have any chance of beating those rodents up north at the end of the season.
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