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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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The Lantern has these numbers for the amounts of hours worked and overpayments involved. The rate is about $15/hour.

Herron was overpaid $292.50. He was paid for 104 hours of work, even though he only worked 84.5 hours. Posey was overpaid by $720, being paid for 70 hours of work, despite actually working only 21.5 hours.

Posey also received $102 in impermissible benefits for a round of golf.

Hall was overpaid by $225. He was paid for 66.5 hours of work, despite only working 51 hours.

Cont'd ...
Edit added the following, after seeing the actual letters Mali posted below:

Additionally, Fellows was paid for 82.5 hours while working 63, so he was also overpaid $292.50 (there are multiple math errors in his chart in the letter); and Sabino was paid for 16 hours while working 12, so his $60 was repaid/donated to charity and he was reinstated. Fellows is in a medical redshirt year right now.


Posey was there over school breaks from June, 2009 until March, 2011.
Herron: June, 2010 until March, 2011.
Marcus Hall: March 2011 until June, 2011.
Fellows: March, 2011 until June, 2011.
Sabino: July, 2010 only

This indicates that June, 2011 is when they discovered this, while checking out Bobby DiGeronimo after the charity event from February was discovered.
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I dont care what school this is, LOIC and FTM are not in play here, this is on the players.
That said, the fact that we don't have a zero tolerance policy at this point is beyond me. The tat5 players should be gone, no questions about it.
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I don't like this, our kids sell stuff and get money, get blasted and suspended and threatened to quit, but kids from other schools who break the law (DUI's, domestic disputes, theft, assault, etc) get one game suspensions? That makes absolutely no sense to me. Somewhere in the NCAA rule book it has to state integrity, decision making or being a model citizen. DUI's put people's lives at risk, murder, and get's jail time, and the NCAA doesn't take this seriously? Unreal.
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strohs;2005156; said:
I dont care what school this is, LOIC and FTM are not in play here, this is on the players.
That said, the fact that we don't have a zero tolerance policy at this point is beyond me. The tat5 players should be gone, no questions about it.

I agree. Maybe I'm just letting this get to me, but every time a player screws up from here on out, kick them off the team. I don't care if there are walk-ons starting at every position.
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buckeyesin07;2005150; said:
BB--based on these numbers, what do you think will be the length of the additional suspensions for each?

The NCAA guidelines would suggest 1 more game for Herron, 1 game for Marcus Hall, and I think 3 more games for Posey.
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