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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Onebuckfan;2005064; said:
Anyone involved with the football program must go sorry ..from the Bottom to the Top..to pretend this was a rogue booster and a couple of kids is hard for me to believe no one knew this was going on..

I keep going back to the position coaches. They had to have been talking to these guys at least once a week even when they were off campus. JT couldnt have near the personal relationship as they would have.

Gee and the board have some very tough decisions to make. There are so many accomplished people whose careers hang in the balance
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scarletmike;2005091; said:
Realistically, this is actually pretty close to the truth. I see 3 more wins, 4 if we're lucky in one of the other games, and 5 more is an outside chance that would make me ecstatic.

We still beat Meatchicken. That's all that matters, right? :oh:
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Basebuck;2005060; said:
Getting paid for hours you don't work takes place all the time for athletes from D3 to BCS schools. I've seen it and lived it. Most of the time it happens in on campus jobs.

That said, the part I have trouble with is that these guys were already in so much trouble and continued to do it. That's just ignorant. You've got to lay low at that point.

I couldn't agree more!!! Just incredibly stupid. As for LOIC I would disagree unless a coach knew that it was going on, didn't report it or encouraged the behavior. It just seems to me that you could have multiple compliance meetings but if the boys don't want to listen then it is these player's fault and their fault along.

As one of my consulting specialty (shrink) and employee theft being one aspect of shrink a statistic I reaffirm during every engagement is this:

5% of the people in this world all honest as the day is long
85% of the people are basically honest but you have to put processes in place to keep them honest because when opportunity meets need and you don't have said processes in place you are going to be in a world of hurt. In other words you are keeping the honest people, honest.
10% of the people on this earth are inherently dishonest. Does not matter what you do they are still are going to try to steal, scam or lie/con their way into your pocketbook.

To me it looks like we had some of that 10% here at OSU...
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Hawk Spielman;2004992; said:
At what point do some of these guys get kicked off the team?? I mean Posey and Herron again.........kick em off. I am utterly sick of this nonsense.

BuckeyeMac;2005000; said:
No, at this point, they're off the team IMO.

Wingate1217;2005002; said:
First of all we don't know what happened in this situation and 2nd talk about over reaction. Geez.....
Until I hear that they were paid $30,000 to water the field at the stadium, I am goning to reserve judgement till I know the majority of the facts.

daddyphatsacs;2005007; said:
This argument worked well last February. You'd think these kids would have figured out that they should probably ask before doing just about anything with all that has gone on. I think it reflects terribly on them and the staff.

I'm not trying to over-react, but at some point you can't make excuses for poor judgement/ incompetence.

The way I look at it, you have GOT to be smarter. Boom, Devier, I love you guys, and this hurts to say...but go away. You can't risk this shit. Jesus.

Makes me sick. However, they have to go. Repeat offenders, clearly more unable to grasp the importance of every financial decision they make.

To clarify, I'm not saying they should be gone because of the amount
of money or anything, its because of the unbelievably bad decision making. Especially from guys we expected to bring "Senior Leadership" to the table. Ugh.

BB73;2005086; said:
[Cynical fan] Well, if this results in a bowl ban, I hope it happens for the 2011 season, because I won't mind tOSU being ineligible to accept a bid to the Meineke Car Care Bowl. [Cynical fan]


"Well, the Buckeyes didn't play in the inaugural B1G championship because they were ineligible."
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:shake: ...who knew this would be the downfall that it's become. I'm ready for a new start for the program, new coach, new staff, new AD. Bring on Urban, Gruden, anybody...we just need change. I was as optimistic as anyone throughout this, but It's going to be a few seasons before we're back to national relevance.
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Oh, and Smith said these violations were not "systemic." Not "systematic."

Systemic: Of, or pertaining to, a system.

Meaning, the system did not encourage these violations, nor were these violations a result of the system in place. Rather, the violations were committed by individuals that circumvented the system.
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Onebuckfan;2005081; said:
We suck at cheating at lest Auburn won a NC..

Flocka;2005087; said:
No, Miami sucks at cheating.

scarletmike;2005094; said:
No they don't, their players only got a few games at most. We're sitting at half the season for two offensive weapons, at least. I fully expect more shit to trickle out next week, and the week after...
I need you to pay attention here.
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I hope this same level of scrutiny is applied to Auburn, LSU, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, Oregon, Oklahoma, but we all know it won't. Ohio State is now the NCAA's and media's whipping boy.

Time for President Gee to clean up this program. We wouldn't tolerate this BS from a professor or a graduate teaching assistant, why should we tolerate it from athletics?
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