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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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@ramzyn Ramzy Nasrallah
When players already suspended for taking impermissible benefits continue taking them you lack institutional control. Sorry, beloved school.

1 minute ago via Twittelator

@PDBuckeyes Doug Lesmerises
I am trying to digest this. I would say this seems serious for Ohio State.

8 minutes ago via TweetDeck


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bassbuckeye07;2005046; said:
Looks like Posey got paid for 50 hours that he didnt work....according to the press release after the tattoo stuff had already come out

I dont like that

If that's true (the timing after tat gate especially) and he was aware he was getting paid for hours he knows that he didn't work...buh-bye. End of story.
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Being brutally honest here, Gene Smith and the AD need to be hit with a LOIC. Obviously, to me, this Athletic Department and its Compliance Office are turning a blind eye to things that have been going on in the football program for some time now. This weighs heavy on me as I thought that OSU was above all of this, but it is now apparant that they aren't. This should cost Gene his job, and probably the rest of the football coaching staff as well as it seems to be a deep rooted probelm.

Ugh, my stomach is in knots now.
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OSU should just stop giving press conferences and give press releases. It's just laughable now. I'm sure when they say this is everything and the last of it they are telling the truth. For the third time. :shake:
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bassbuckeye07;2005046; said:
Looks like Posey got paid for 50 hours that he didnt work....according to the press release after the tattoo stuff had already come out

I dont like that

Getting paid for hours you don't work takes place all the time for athletes from D3 to BCS schools. I've seen it and lived it. Most of the time it happens in on campus jobs.

That said, the part I have trouble with is that these guys were already in so much trouble and continued to do it. That's just ignorant. You've got to lay low at that point.
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Anyone involved with the football program must go sorry ..from the Bottom to the Top..to pretend this was a rogue booster and a couple of kids is hard for me to believe no one knew this was going on..especially when the Booster had been involved with the program for years
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