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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Like others have said.. There is no reason to cooperate or let the NCAA in the front door. Handle everything internally so you do what is best for the school, alumni, and most importantly the students. Suspending these guys and destroying the only chance they have at a decent resume for their chosen profession should not be higher education's goal.

I've been on the side of letting everything come out through all of this until now.
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Again here is Gs giving another PC Not Ill Iowa MSU are our players ignorant or what .....Posey and Herron again showing great leadership..they need to go...in my dream world JT turned the tat 5 in and they were removed from the program and we started this season fresh with JT and BM and moved on...
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daddyphatsacs;2005023; said:
March of 2011?

I guess I would have to know how much an hour they got paid to do the job? If it was for washing cars and involved detailing I could see upwards of $20 an hour. I don't know what the going rate for washing cars and the players probably didn't know either. So in my mind it is by degrees....if they were getting $15 an hour to wash cars I might say, "yeah kind of high" but I really don;t know the correct wage scale. Now if they made $100 an hour then I would agree with you that a reasonable person would know that is an extra benefit. As I said earlier I need to know the facts before I pronounce any judgment.
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BCastOZone Brandon Castel
He was paid for working 20 hours when he never showed up. 70hrs in total for working 21.5hrs.
1 minute ago

BCastOZone Brandon Castel
You could make an argument that maybe Herron, Sabino, Hall and Fellows didn't know they were getting overpaid. Posey is hard to believe.
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I'm sorry but rules are rules. Yes the rules of the NCAA blow, but they have to be followed. Do I like going the speed limit? No, but it's a rule.

You break it you are going to pay the consequences. I'm sorry but these two need to be off the team. Enough with second/third chances. Like Fickell said, this university is bigger than any one coach, player, etc. Guess what ladies and gents, it's time to say enough is enough. Clean house NOW, and if a player breaks an NCAA rule, they're off the team. That's what it needs to be until NCAA changes some things, IMO
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no press conference should have been the call here

A simple press release that said this would do

"part of the investigation has turned this up as well and we found out because we are dilligently turning over every rock so as to be an example of how to monitor a program if anything else pops up we will tell you about that too...but as you can see we are looking so hard we are finding nickle and dime bullshit and nothing else

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Sportsbuck28;2005030; said:
BCastOZone Brandon Castel
He was paid for working 20 hours when he never showed up. 70hrs in total for working 21.5hrs.
1 minute ago

BCastOZone Brandon Castel
You could make an argument that maybe Herron, Sabino, Hall and Fellows didn't know they were getting overpaid. Posey is hard to believe.

Has anyone leaked the data yet? It sounds like some have it, but it hasn't hit yet.
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So rules are rules? Well, here is how I would advise the next player who gets caught in this net. If you are NFL draft eligible, go. Don't listen to the bullshit coming your way about all of these adults that have your interests at heart, especially for those players who come from family financial backgrounds where struggle is the best they have experienced.
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Onebuckfan;2005028; said:
Again here is Gs giving another PC Not Ill Iowa MSU are our players ignorant or what .....Posey and Herron again showing great leadership..they need to go...in my dream world JT turned the tat 5 in and they were removed from the program and we started this season fresh with JT and BM and moved on...

I agree. This season is in the crapper anyway. Make a statement now.

I always said JT hid the Tat 5 because he knew there was more going on than just the tatoos. What next?
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Hindsight is so easy. It looks now like it would have been better to have suspended those guys (Pryor, Posey, and Herron) for the bowl game, lose to Arkansas, and have them all declare for the NFL in January.
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BB73;2005041; said:
It looks now like it would have been better to have suspended those guys (Pryor, Posey, and Herron) for the bowl game, lose to Arkansas, and have them all declare for the NFL in January.

I thought the school was going to suspend them and then the Sugar Bowl forced the NCAA to force OSU to play them to keep the ratings up.
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