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At this point. I'm more pissed at the NCAA. What's with the 11th hour suspension extensions? This is the second time this season, and it reeks of a railroading.

There was plenty of time to uncover this crap before today, if indeed, there is any crap worth uncovering.
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daddyphatsacs;2004998; said:
I say at this point you have to consider the idea of kicking them off the team. They have got to know the rules.

At this point it's time for the AD and the coaching staff to go. Nonsense.

Agree 100%. As I stated in the LF thread, no one is above the University. As a lover of the University and not just the football program, I am ashamed and sickened by the continued lack of competence this athletic department has shown. Smith, the staff, players who repeat offenders all have to go.

Time for a fresh start and a clean house.
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scarletmike;2005003; said:
I really want to know the figures and the data here, because this smells like a lot of bull[Mark May].

True, and I hope if the NCAA is being petty they get their ass sued off.

At the same time something is not working across the board with the football program. It would be foolish to blame this stuff on JT alone. The position coaches (that are still there) are traditionally closer to their players than the HC. Where the hell were they? They have to be thanking JT for not blowing the whistle
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I guess the lesson the NCAA is teaching everyone here is 1) Don't every self report and 2) If you do and we come to you you just deny, deny, deny or tell them your Dad did it and you had no knowledge of any irregularities.
This is sad why to look at things.......:(
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I gotta say that this is utter BS. Miami has EPIC allegations thrown at them and their guys are cleared to play in a couple of weeks. Ohio State has some guys trade memorabilia for tattoos, and (apparently) earning a little too much cash on a summer job, and that equates to six weeks' suspension?

Someone please tell the NCAA that it is time to close up shop. This is ridiculous.
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daddyphatsacs;2005007; said:
This argument worked well last February. You'd think these kids would have figured out that they should probably ask before doing just about anything with all that has gone on. I think it reflects terribly on them and the staff.

I'm not trying to over-react, but at some point you can't make excuses for poor judgement/ incompetence.

Didn't this happen before everything else came out???
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Woody1968;2005010; said:
At this point. I'm more pissed at the NCAA. What's with the 11th hour suspension extensions? This is the second time this season, and it reeks of a railroading.

There was plenty of time to uncover this crap before today, if indeed, there is any crap worth uncovering.

Yep, my thoughts as well. If this is an over-payment of maybe $1/hour over the "standard wage rate," fuck the NCAA. If this is a serious over-pay, then yeah, the players might share some responsibility if they were getting paid a ridiculous amount.
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Wingate1217;2005018; said:
Didn't this happen before everything else came out???

March of 2011?

Nothing wrong with them earning a dollar or two, but you'd think they had the brainpower (being in college for several years and all) to ask someone in the compliance dept. before working, with all the crap going on.
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