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This is beyond blaming anyone at this point. There is a "systematic" (As GS said) problem at this point. The biggest stars on this team should not have any privacy from the athletic department. Things just dont work that way.
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scarletmike;2004986; said:
Both Boom and Posey suspended for another game after a "rigorous" investigation.

JFC. A "rigorous" investigation over a couple players maybe making a few extra dollars over normal pay scale washing vehicles. Yet, fucking Cam Newton's dad gets $180,000 for his kid and jack fucking shit happens.
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Can we start the 2012 season as an Independent? I don't mean leave the Big 10. I mean leave the NCAA. Can we just invite teams to come play at the shoe and experience football the way to was intended to be played on a fall Saturday? I would like that.
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Hawk Spielman;2004992; said:
At what point do some of these guys get kicked off the team?? I mean Posey and Herron again.........kick em off. I am utterly sick of this nonsense.

First of all we don't know what happened in this situation and 2nd talk about over reaction. Geez.....
Until I hear that they were paid $30,000 to water the field at the stadium, I am goning to reserve judgement till I know the majority of the facts.
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Wingate1217;2005002; said:
First of all we don't know what happened in this situation and 2nd talk about over reaction. Geez.....
Until I hear that they were paid $30,000 to water the field at the stadium, I am goning to reserve judgement till I know the majority of the facts.

This argument worked well last February. You'd think these kids would have figured out that they should probably ask before doing just about anything with all that has gone on. I think it reflects terribly on them and the staff.

I'm not trying to over-react, but at some point you can't make excuses for poor judgement/ incompetence.
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